Break up??

24 1 24

-the next day-

Casey: *walks up to Hazel*

Hazel: *looks down* *tears prick her eyes*

Donnisa: *laugh a little* *walking out of the lab*

Me: *noticed the Hazey situation* hey! *glares at Casey* *runs over to the two* *pushed Casey away from Hazel* stay away from her!!

Donnie: *harshly whispers* honeybee, if you yell any louder Raph, and maybe Dezzy, are gonna be pissed!!... it's six thirty in the morning-

Casey: *glares at Louisa* I'm just trying to talk to Hazel-

Hazel: *mumbles* but I don't wanna talk to you...
Me: if you haven't noticed, she's always trying to shy away from you, or stay by Steven's side so you'll leave her alone!

Casey: I just wanted to say I'm sorry-

Me: you say you're sorry, but it's too late now!

Casey: *tries to walk around Louisa*

Me: *stands in the way* stay there- no, get gone!

Casey: *breathes in* *breathes out* Louisa, just let me through!


Raph: *in the distance* what the shell is going on?!

Casey: *eyes widen* *runs out*
Hazel: *looks at Louisa* *mumbles* thank you *runs into the dojo*

Raph: *stomps his way to the living room*

Me: *smiles softly*

Raph: *sees Louisa* *remembers he heard her yelling* *stomps over to her* *shoves Louisa to the ground* *whisper yells* what the shell is wrong with you?!

Me: *eyes widen* *looks at Raph scared* *stands up* *takes a small step back* I-I was just helping Hazel out by yelling at Casey to get away-

Raph: I didn't hear Casey or Hazel, all I heard was your sorry ass yelling *shoves Louisa's shoulder a bit*
Donnie: *was scared of Raph being this pissed* *quickly and quietly makes his way to the lab* *softly shuts the door*

Me: D-Donnie can back me up, right Don Don?? *looks at where Donnie was*

Raph: *looks back* *doesn't see Donnie* *glares back at Louisa* you little fucking liar-

-two hours later-

Dezzy: *walks out of Raph's room* *hears Raph yelling* *runs out to the living room* *sees Jakey trying to look around Raph and Louisa to play video games* *sees Raph yelling at Louisa* what's happening??

Me: *has tear stains on my face* *is genuinely looking at Raph scared* *has a few bruises on my arms*

Raph: I've already said it before, and I'll fucking say it again you little good for nothing idiot - YOU NEED A LIFE!!

Dezzy: Raph!

Raph: *looks back at Dezzy* *sees her angered face* *rolls his eyes softly* I'm going to punch the dummy *walks towards the dojo*

Me: *wipes at the remaining tears* *looks down*

Jasmine: *paused the game* you okay, Weeza?

Mikey: *looks at the dojo* *looks back at Louisa* *frowns sadly*

Me: y-yeah... but now if you excuse me, I got to have a talk with a certain turtle *walks towards the lab*

Dezzy: is that a good thing or a bad thing??

Jasmine: bad?
Mikey: good?

Peedee: *stumbles out of the guest room* I hate being this small!

-in the lab-

Me: *walks in* *lowly growling* *baring teeth* Donatello!

Donnie: *flinched* *turns in his spinny chair* h-hey, honeybee! *gulps* hOw'S eVeRyThInG gOiNg?? *sets his pen down*

Me: hmm, well, I don't know. Everything seems so much better after hearing Raph yell at me for two hours where you left me out to take the blame! *punched the desk*

Donnie: *scoots back in the chair* L-Louisa, you have understand - Raph can get fucking scary when he's p-o'd!

Me: oh, I understand - after everything we've been through I thought you would've cared about me enough to help me through something so emotional, but you CAN'T EVEN DO THAT!! *walks towards the lab doors*

Donnie: *stands up* *grabs Louisa's wrist* of course I care about you!-

Me: *tears wrist from Donnie's grip* well it sure doesn't feel like it!!

Donnie: excuse me if I didn't want to get yelled at for something I had nothing to do with!!!

Me: "nothing to do with"- Donatello, that's not the problem!

Donnie: then what is it, Louisa?! Because it feels like you just wanted me to get yelled at with you!

Me: I just thought you would've helped Raph understand that it wasn't what he thought it was!! He thought I was just yelling for no reason. You could've backed me up saying that I was actually protecting Hazel from Casey!! Instead you left me be out there as I got yelled at *tears up again* for two hours straight!! And he even abused me a bit! *shows the bruises on arms*

Donnie: *takes a step back* I-I... *looks down*

Me: *sighs* I'm done. I'm done! *glares at Donnie* you are just so- *groans* *walks out*

Donnie: .... did-did she just break up with me??

-with Louisa-

Me: *pacing around the room* *mumbling to self about how stupid Donnie can be* *not paying attention to anyone else in the living room*

Tom: *whispers to the group* would you call that a break up??

Sam: *shrugs her shoulders*
Steven: maybe?
Jasmine: *teary eyed* *nods her head*
Mikey: *teary eyed* *shakes his head*

Peedee: *looks at Louisa* *looks down at the floor* *sighs* I'm gonna talk to her-

Jasmine: don't you dare!
Steven: that's a great idea, Peedee!

Jasmine & Steven: wait what?? *look at the other shocked* how is it good/bad??

Mikey: just do what you think is best, dude - she might drive herself crazy if someone doesn't do anything soon *points his thumb at Louisa* *un-paused the game*

Jasmine: *stops looking at Steven* hey! *looks at the tv* no fair, I wasn't ready!! *gets back into gaming mode*

Tom: *shakes his head* *playfully rolls his eyes* *mumbles* this is the life I chose, don't question it *floats to the kitchen*

Me: *mumbling* would that be a break up?? I mean, if he can't have my back against his bros, what's gonna happen if he can't have my back for something serious? Do I just-

Peedee: *slowly makes his way to Louisa* *trips over his own chubby feet* *falls flat on his stomach* I don't see how pandas get around.....

Me: *looks down at Peedee* *tilts head confused* what's up, Peedee? *kneels down to his height* *helps him up to his feet*

Peedee: *sigh softly* *smiles* thanks. But I was wondering if you wanted to talk about... whatever just happened-

Me: oh thank god someone asked, I was wondering if I was gonna think this over on my own, or if I'd have to ask- just thanks *picks Peedee up* *sets him on my back* *walks towards the guest room* *yells out* THE GUEST ROOM IS OCCUPIED! *shuts the door*


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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