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Me: okay, Master Splinter, can you go get Raph back for me??

Master Splinter: of course young one *walks out*

Leo: why are you wanting him back if he just left??

Sam: shh, I wanna see where this goes.....

Mikey: see where what does what now?? *scratches the sides of his head*

Donnie: well, something tells me we're about to do another dare-

Me: exactly, we got dared to watch more movies and.... someone gets their revenge- nothing out of the ordinary-

Sam: is it bad I want to help with the revenge??? *evilly laughs and rubs hands together*

Leo: *playfully* quit it *playfully hits Sam's shoulder*

Donnie: *grabs my hand* so what're we doing??

Me: first we need Jasmine and Dezzy back *snaps fingers*

Jasmine: hi guys!
Dezzy: what's up??

Mikey: *smiles big and hugs Jasmine* I missed you dudette!

Leonarsam: it's only been five minutes....

Raph: *girly screams as he runs from a punching and karate chopping Master Splinter*

Me: *snickers* thanks Master Splinter, now let's watch some movies!

-after the movies-

*the group got closer together after each movie, also made fun of Leo for full on geeking out about loving MLP, but besides that everyone had fun*

Donnie: *whisper asks* didn't you say something about revenge??

Me: oh yeah- Mikey, go bring Casey and Hazel to go get pizza!

Mikey: on it! *runs out happily*

Jasmine: why can't I go with him??

Me: because...... Dezzy and Raph Imma give you telepathic speaking for right now *snaps fingers* go nuts!

Master Splinter: since the movies are over now, may I ask what Jasmine said earlier about Raphael???

Leo: yeah, that was pretty weird-

Jasmine: *smugly laughs*

Sam: aww man, did I miss out on messing with someone?? Is that where Mikey went, I knew it! *runs to find Mikey*

Donnie: something tells me she just ran out for no reason.....

Me: yep! You two ready??

Raph: pretty much, Dezzy, go get the tinfoil and rope, I'll get the victim!

Master Splinter: who is the so called victim of your revenge??

Leo: yeah, this sounds crazy- *looks at Jasmine* oh no....

Donnisa: look who catches on!

Jasmine: who catches on quickly? What's happening??

Dezzy: *comes back with said items* let's do this!

Raph: *smirks and grabs Jasmine* I got her!

Jasmine: let me gooooo! *struggles in Raph's hold*

Tom: *runs in* what's happening???

April: *runs in* why'd you *sees the situation* nevermind-

Raph and Dezzy: *wrap Jasmine in the tinfoil like a burrito and ties the rope around the corner to make sure Jasmine has no easy escape*

Leo: this couldn't get any worse-

Me: does Jasmine's makeup look smeared?? Or is she wearing any?

Donnie: you are so evil-

Raph: she's not wearing any makeup, Dezzy.... care to do the honors???

Dezzy: I thought you'd never ask~

Sam: *walks back in* you have no idea how long I walked around just searching for Mikey in the sewers, I think I walked in a square-

Leo: let's go before Mikey actually does get back and get upset at Raph *pulls Sam out*

Tom: well, wanna walk around up top?? *looks at April*

April: *nods her head* of course!

Me: is it just me or are they trying to make Jasmine look like a clown??

Master Splinter: I thought of that as well-

Mikey: I'm baaaack!~ What'd I miss?? *holds five boxes of pizza*

Hazel: yeah, it was hard for them to make this much pizza, but they managed-

Casey: one of these is mine *grabs one of the pepperoni's and says* now let's go watch some movies! *pulls Hazel out*

Donnie: how is he not noticing it yet??

Mikey: how is who not noticing what?? *sees Jasmine struggling in the tinfoil* what are you doing?!

Dezzy and Raph: *laugh as they run out and to Raph's room to avoid Mikey's wrath*

Jasmine: I AM A FOOL..... A FOOOOOOOOL!..... also a burrito-

Donnisa: *laugh a little and playfully hit the other for laughing* that's rude....

Master Splinter: okay, snap your fingers and make her go back to normal young one

Me: *nods head and grabs Donnie's hand* *snaps fingers*

Jasmine: *falls to the floor* waah *hits the floor* oof!

Mikey: are you okay?! *helps Jasmine up*

Jasmine: yeah.... thanks *hugs Mikey*

Donnie: that's enough of couple stuff for today, by Jasmine!

Jasmine: bye!!!!

Donnisa: *snap fingers and get both Dezzy and Jasmine gone*

Me: DoN't FoRgEt To AsK aNd DaRe Us!!!


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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