Donnie & Helmet-

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Donnie: *looks at everyone that's in the dojo* *everyone is still trying to help Leonarsam with baby Louisa* *looks down at the floor* *pulls Steven out for a second* *looks at Steven* Steven, can you promise me something?

Steven: sure. What's up? *tilts his head confused*

Donnie: make sure Louisa doesn't get hurt, I gotta do something-

Hazel: *walks out of the dojo* *nervously biting lip* hon, please don't leave my side. Casey keeps on trying to flirt with me, and it's a bit... repetitive.

Steven: sorry, cinnabon *pecks Hazel's forehead* I was just talking with Donnie. *looks at Donnie* you can trust me and Hazel. We'll make sure Louisa is safe and sound until you're done with whatever you're doing.

Hazel: yeah! I've been having to keep an eye on her since Sam started to get close and closer with us. Weeza will be fine!

Donnie: *smiles* *nods once* I knew I could trust you. See you guys in a bit *walks towards the lab* *starts rebuilding something*

-two hours later-

Donnie: *sighs* and it's done *stands up* now I can finally get to the bottom of this *writes a note* "don't worry, I fixed everything that was wrong with the helmet. It should be working all okay, so all I'd have to do is regularly take it off without any after-effects. Also, if anything goes wrong - you can take the helmet off for me... it still should be okay. ~Donnie" that should be good. Now... let's do this thing *lifts up the modified helmet* *types in "last time used"* *breathes in and out* *turns it on* *gets the helmet on* *drops on his side as his conscious is now in the helmet*

-in helmet world-

Real Donnie: *crossed his arms* *angered* how did all of you know this entire time?!

Helmet Leo: *looks at real Donnie* oh, so you finally decided to come back to us.

Helmet Donnie: you have a lot of nerve!! *has white in his eyes out of anger* *stomps his way over to Real Donnie*

Helmet Raph & Mikey: *holds Helmet Donnie back*

Real Donnie: how do you guys even know?! You're supposed to be realistic feeling holograms. What the shell did I create?!?

Helmet Donnie: *realization hits* wait... *starts breaking out into laughter* y-you're telling me.. *laughs more*

Helmet Mikey: *chuckles* that you don't know what you made?? *tilts head confused* *smiling big*

Real Donnie: -_- no, I don't. That's why I asked!!

Helmet Raph: *shakes his head*

Helmet Tom: *floats out of the kitchen* *is in jean shorts and a tank-top* hey guys, I think we ran out of milk- *sees both Donnie's* wait... *eyes widen* is he finally coming back to apologize, or what??

Helmet Raph: he doesn't even know what he did!

Helmet Tom: pfft- *starts laughing hysterically*

Helmet Leo: *rolls his eyes* I'm just gonna go make some tea, because this was even a big bomb for us to deal with *walks in the kitchen*

Real Donnie: .... okaaaayy??

-after the tea is made; in the kitchen-

Real Donnie: *sits down across from Helmet Donnie and Raph* okay, so what did I really make??

Helmet Raph: *raised an eye-ridge* the dumb explanation, or the dork version?

Real Donnie: just give me the dumb version, I need to get through this quickly because of what's happening in the real world.

Helmet Donnie: *felt triggered* shut up!!

Real Donnie: *flinched* damn, is that what I look like when I'm pissed?? It's kind of scary-

Helmet Leo & Raph: *unfazed* yes it is, but no it's not.

Helmet Leo: *pours three cups of tea* just let Donatello talk, or you'll get your shell handed to you by... well, you. *sits down* *takes a small sip of tea*

Real Donnie: *holds hands up in defense* *gently grabs the teacup* continue *takes a small sip*

Helmet Donnie: *sighs softly* *sits down* *taps his finger against the counter* you know how there's different dimensions dealing with multiple versions of us, or not us? *takes a small sip of tea*

Real Donnie: yeah? *starts taking a big sip*

Helmet Raph: well, you apparently made an alternate dimension inside the helmet-

Real Donnie: *eyes widen* *spits tea out in helmet Raph's face* *felt speechless* wh-what?!....

Tom: *floats in* *starts heating up popcorn* yeah 0 imagine how we feel... in a dimension where Louisa is the main character. But is able to leave us like she never existed *sighs* *tears up a bit*
Helmet Raph: *growled* *grabs paper towels* *cleans himself off from real Donnie's spat out tea*

Helmet Donnie: I don't know what happened out there, but I know I tried to recreate whatever you made. But whatever I try, it just fries up into flames and disappears whenever I'm close to being done.

Real Donnie: b-but I didn't make any changes to what I originally have on blueprints! How could I-....

Real & Helmet Donnie: *realization hits* *slam their right fist onto the counter* MIKEY!!!

Helmet Leo: *finished his tea* when we realized we have actual feelings, we had to make sure that Louisa wouldn't find out. That was our only way of feeling like we were... well, ourselves. The ones that you know. The longer she stayed, the-

Helmet Donnie: *crossed his arms* the more we gained sentience. The more that some of us fell in love with her. Then you had to let her go back to you!!! *glares at real Donnie* we all know that you like her too. Tom probably likes her out there too-

Helmet Tom: if I don't, bring that hell of an imposter here - AND I'LL KICK HIS ASS IN FOR NOT LOVING A FUCKING GODDESS-

Helmet Raph: calm down, bud-

Helmet Donnie: *stands up* but now... she'll have to try and snap a helmet into existence-

Real Donnie: actually, she doesn't have her powers out there. She gave them to someone else since she-

Helmet Donnie: then she'll just have some shithead snap their fingers. Alright?! Back to what I was saying... she'll try and save her "precious Donnie" - and we'll have you leave as she stays-

Real Donnie: *has realization hit* *barely dodged a green fist* *punched Helmet Mikey* *grabs out his bo-staff* why do you guys want her so bad?!

Helmet Leo: oh, don't act so stupid, Donnie! She's the only one that makes us feel like we're actual people. And not some-

Helmet Donnie: fakes that you decided to make for your own fun!!

Real Donnie: I'm done with taking in this shit. You all are crazy!!

Helmet Donnie: well, you're basically just looking at yourself and your family, Donnie!! You deal with this "shit" 24/7!

Real Donnie: yeah, well... at least we weren't created by some random teen that's gonna leave right now *moves his hands towards the helmet* *me rereading this: ... yeahhhh, Don Don. You're not saying something that a random teen made you say.. but I'm not leaving-*

Helmet Raph: *eyes widen* stop him!! *points at real Donnie*

Helmet Boys: *jump towards real Donnie*

Real Donnie: *smirks* bye bitches! *takes off the helmet*

Helmet Boys: *collide into the other* oof-


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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