CD (Couple Drama)

27 2 13

-at the lair (day one)-

Raph: wait, I almost forgot the finishing touch! *grabs black paint can* *sets it in its place* there.

Jasmine: and we really can't forget this *sets up pillows* there we go *claps away dust on her hands* now we just wait for our victims-


Hazeo(?): *run out* what?! *fall right into the trap*

Leo: *has black paint all over him* *feathers came next* ack-
Hazel: *got hit with pillows* *fell onto a bunch of sticky rat traps* ugh-

Stamantha: *walk out hand in hand* *raise an eyebrow at Hazeo* *chuckle softly* oh god, that is funny.

Jasmine: OH MY GOSH-

Raph: damn, didn't think I'd see the day where I'd see Steven and Sam gettin along. *crossed arms* you worried, guys?

Hazel: *puts her hand over her mouth* n-no... I gotta go *runs out*

Leo: Hazel, wait! *runs after Hazel*

Steven: *eyes get glossy*

Jasmine: Steven, you have two options. One is to follow after your true girl and talk this over, but you'd get punished because of the dare - or you stick with this partner as Leo deals with Hazel.

Sam: honestly you could just say word for word what you wanna say to her, and have someone deliver the message.

Steven: *breathes in and out* I-I'm sure she'll be okay. Let's go and get some pizza *pulls Sam to the kitchen*

-in the kitchen-

Mikey: then we put this in the oven *sets cake mix in the oven* and wait for the timer to go off and we made a cake! *looking up at Garnet happily*

Garnet: hmm... *adjusts visors* this cake has a forty percent chance of getting burned

Mikey: that means it has a fifty percent chance of being perfect!

Garnet: *pats Mikey's head* not exactly, but nice try.

Stamantha: *walk in*

Steven: what kind of pizza do you want heated up? *looks in the fridge*
Sam: *sits down* *smiles*

Sam: eh, anything but Hawaiian.

Steven: hey, Hawaiian is, like, the best pizza! *grabs out a Hawaiian slice of pizza*

Sam: *playfully gags* okay, that's disgusting. Just get me a pepperoni, man.

Steven: *playfully gags* now who's disgusting?

Sam: what do you mean?! That's one of the most liked pizza by people-

Steven: *grabs out a pepperoni slice* not if you're a vegetarian *sets slices on a plate* *sets plate in the microwave*

Mikey: what's that??

Garnet: in Steven's case - someone who doesn't eat meat.

Sam: duuude - how can you not eat meat?!

Steven: I just don't. I respect animals too much

Mikey: *eyes water up* wait- MEAT IS MADE OUT OF ANIMALS?!

Garnet: oh no...

Mikey: JASMINE!!! *runs out in tears*

Garnet: *adjusts visors* well, there goes my "partner"

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