Sugar Rush

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Jasmine: *snickers and leaves house for a bit* *comes back from the store and carries the helium and balloons to Mikey's room* Mikey, let's get to pranking!

Mikey: who's the victim?? *smiles big and evilly chuckles*

Jasmine: Louisa!

Mikey: what're we doing with the balloons and helium- *gasps* are we making her float around everywhere?!

Jasmine: no, but remind me to do that at some point, right now we're going to write on them with a sharpie and tie them around her waist-

Mikey: *gasps with a twilight in his eyes* that's even better!!!

-after writing on the balloons-

Mikey and Jasmine: done! *carries the tied balloons to my room, sneak in* *sees me and Steven both sleeping as my phone goes off with a notification*

Mikey: *whispers* what do you think that is??

Jasmine: *whispers* maybe it's the dares I put for her - check them out, they're great! 

*the two that aren't sleeping walk over to the sleeping two and tie the balloons around my waist and tail, somehow not waking me up. Then Mikey reads over the dares and looks at Jasmine with a soft glare*

Mikey: *whispers* what even is this?? Steven has to kiss her on the cheeks?! You shouldn't do that when Donnie is mourning!

Jasmine: *whispers* you didn't see what I seen, Steven was teaching her guitar and had his arms around her as they were-

Mikey: *whispers* that's still bad!! I can't believe you dudette!

Jasmine: *whispers* it's not like they'll actually get together!

Mikey: *whispers* you don't know that!!

Jasmine: *whispers* I don't see how this is so bad! It's just a dare!!

Mikey: *whispers* well, maybe I shouldn't be with someone who can't see the badness of their daring!!! We're through *walks out without waking us up*

Jasmine: *gasps as tears stream down her face* *runs out of room and runs to the bathroom crying*

-with Louisa and Steven-

Me: *yawns and sits up*

Steven: *rolls off the bed accidentally*

Me: are you- *starts floating up to the ceiling* what the- *reads the balloons* "GET BACK WITH DONNIE"?? Dude, who would- ..... Jasmine! Once I'm on the ground, I swear-

Steven: *groans and sits up* what happened?? *looks up at me* *chuckles*

Me: okay, after you're done laughing, can you just hand me my phone??

Steven: *grabs my phone* you don't want help down?? *hands it to me*

Me: no, I'm actually comfortable, now if you excuse me *turns into dog and starts kicking my legs in the air like I'm running*

Steven: *laughing as he grabs out his phone* this is hilarious! *starts recording*

Me: *turns back to normal* okay, now let's see what we got for dares today.... *reads through dares* okay this seems.... kind of difficult-

Steven: what is it??

Me: first *yells* EVERYONE, LET'S GET US SOME COFFEE!! Steven, please pull me to the kitchen so we can grab a fork and stab these things to death.

Steven: *looks at me with widened eyes* *grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen*

Master Splinter: what do you mean by "let's get coffee" young one??

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