-short time skip-

15 1 18

Yeah, I'm time skipping to a random day, since I got dared to show someone how I act at school! Also I'm making up some names, since I don't want to put their actual names on the internet.


Me: *is still awake in Donnie's living room* *checks the time* shit, it's time to wake up everyone to tell them the bus comes in an hour!! *runs to the hallway that has everyone's rooms* Guys!!! *knocks on everyone's doors* Get up!!

Donnie: *walks out of his room wiping the sleep out of his eye* okay, I'm making me a burrito *walks to the kitchen* anyone else want one?!

Raph: *glares at me as I keep knocking on Tom's door* no, but can you find my bat?! Louisa is asking to get hit!!

Tom: *groans* I'm coming!! Hold your skeleton horses! *opens the door to reveal he's in his undies*

Me: look who's wearing actual clothing instead of sleeping naked! Now get dressed, we don't need to see little duckie underpants at school! I'm good on the burrito Don Don!!

Tom: actually can you make me one??? I'm hungry! *closes his door to get dressed*

Raph: Weeza you really need a new wardrobe, that sweatshirt won't work for ya forever! *walks out still being a turtle*

Donnie: I say she looks amazing in it! It helps show that she's bi!....... also it doesn't help her get boys' attention at school, they'll think she's gay-

Me: hey! *elbows Donnie* on the other point, I wear this coat to help friends see that it's me, I've been wearing this coat for the entire time school started!

Tom: not at orientation!

Raph: she said that she was wearing that one for her friends at Hood Canal to notice her-

Me: I did, but now I barely get to see them, or Sam-

Donnie: where did Sam go anyways? She used to be in my second period with me!

Tom: she went to a different school

Raph: why?

Me: well she went to a school where they help her more, also her parents, more like her mom, sent her there for her grades to go up-

Donnie: turn us human so we can go now! Also here's your burrito Tom *hands Tom a burrito as he's eating his*

Tom: thanks *takes the burrito and eats it quickly*

Me: okay, okay, okay! *snaps fingers and everyone is human..... Raph and Donnie need to get clothes on now* *blushes and covers my eyes* I'll wait for you guys outside, just get dressed! *walks out while looking down at the floor*

Donnie: sorry! I always forget about that part! *rushes into his room with a blush*

Raph: I also apologize for Don! *fast walks into his room*

Tom: hey, wait up Louisa! *goes after me*


Me: *didn't hear Tom, so I'm singing out loud to myself* six a clock it's Monday morning, life can strike without a warning, get up! Get out! Go on!... it's a brand new day.

Tom: great voice

Me: *jumps and whispers* fuck! *turns to look at him*

Tom: I will never get used to you cussing, hey wait, come here *walks to the side of my house*

Me: *follows Tom* what? You gonna try to make a move, even though I told you that Donnie and I are together?

Tom: no, I just wanted to show you the view, can you turn me back for a second??

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