Time difference?

48 1 1

-at a week later-

Mikey: didn't you say if they stayed they'd help Donnisa get back??

Garnet: yeah, but relationships take time. Plus Louisa needs a few months and it's only been a month-

Master Splinter: hana, did you just say a few months??

Hazel: *breathes in and out* *concentrates on summoning weapons* *looks like she's a earth bender* *gem glows* *hook swords float out*

Steven: *gasps* cinnabon, you did it!! *smiles big*

Hazel: *opens eyes* *sees the hook swords* *gasps* I got hook swords... awwwww YEAH! *hook swords fly forward*

Pearl: *sees the swords heading for her gem* *ducks*

*the hook swords stick right into the tree*

Amethyst: *starts laughing*

Garnet: *playfully* where have we seen that before??

Haven: *blushing* *nervously chuckles*

-with Louisa and Peedee (1 month later)-

Me: *groans* *mumbles* another day, another day of school work *gets up out of bed* *yawns* *grabs chromebook* *walks out of room*

Christian: don't forget to eat *throws pizza pocket at Louisa*

Me: *caught the pizza pocket* *walks towards the front door* *gets flip flops on* *walks out* *walks towards Peedee's house* *knocks on the door*

Peedee: *smiles* *opens the door* hey, Louisa! Come on in, we can do our work together *motions for Louisa to walk in*

Me: thanks, Peedee... I still never understand how you're wide awake whenever I get here *shakes off rain drops* *shivers*

Peedee: do you need a blanket??

Me: *scoffs playfully* if I got a blanket, I'd fall asleep.

Peedee: I can just help you stay awake, or I'll wake you up for a live class if you want *smiles*

Me: really?? *tilts head confused* you'd actually do that for me?

Peedee: *playfully* only if you share that pizza pocket

Me: *thinks about it* you can just have it *throws the pizza pocket to Peedee* I get heartburn easily anyways

Peedee: *barely caught the pizza pocket* *laughs softly* okay, the extra blankets are in that closet *points at the closet*

Me: *nods* *grabs the blanket* *sits down* *opens up chromebook* *checks on when live classes are* okay, I have one class in an hour *yawns*

Peedee: huh *takes a bite of pizza pocket* so you can take a short nap.

Me: *sighs in relief* oh thank god!

Peedee: *sits down next to Louisa* *opens his chromebook* *checks on when live classes are* I have one in ten minutes...

Me: *chuckles softly* *elbows Peedee softly* good luck, Peed-Weed

Peedee: *rolls his eyes* I told you not to call me that

Me: *leans head against Peedee's shoulder* *mumbles* and I told you it's not like anyone else will know... *fell asleep quickly*
Me: *rereading through this* *chuckles* except whoever actually reads this 😂

Peedee: *blushed* *smiles softly* *takes another bite of pizza pocket*

-at 2 months later-

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