A kiss and a punch

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Me: well..... Don Don, I know we're gonna like this, but I don't know about whoever else is in the room

Donnie: what is it??

Hazel: if we have to watch you do sex, I want to dare myself out of this game!

Leo: I'm sure it doesn't involve *covers Mikeys ears* sex-

Mikey: I THINK I HEAR THE OCEAN!! *starts to hula*

Sam: I bet it has to do is beating the shit out of Tom-

Tom: I bet it doesn't-

Raph: how much are ya willin to bet, three eyes??

Me: can you guys just let me finish??

*the room got quiet*

Casey: but I didn't get to say anything yet....

Everyone but Casey: *looks at Casey*

Casey: I'm getting me a pepsi *walks towards the fridge*

Me: okay, Don Don, we got dared to- um...... *clears throat and just whispers the dare to Donnie*

Donnie: *blushes dark*

Sam: do we even want to know what just got said???

Leo: no, but let's get Mikey out of here, I feel like he doesn't need to see this *pulls Mikey by his hand* hey Mikey, let's go play Mario Kart 8-

Mikey: AWWWW YEAHHH BOIIIII!!! *smiles big and pulls Leo to the couch*

Casey: wait for me!! *follows the two*

Tom: I am not in the mood to play video games, so what's the dare that you two got?? *takes a bite of popcorn*

Hazel: where'd you get the popcorn??

Tom: made it, duh *takes another bite* want some??

Sam: I will *takes a handful, then runs out with the entire bowl* viva le free food!!!

Me: *smugly laughs*

Hazel and Tom: what was the dare?!

Donnie: this *pulls me into his hold, arms around my waist* you ready??

Tom: oh no- it's sex!

Hazel: no, I think it's a kiss- Tom, cover my eyes!

Tom: *covers Hazels eyes* what am I supposed to do?!

Me: we didn't even do anything yet you-

Donnie: *puts his lips on mine and licks my bottom lip for entrance*

Me: *kisses back and grants Donnie entrance*

Donnisa: *begins french kiss*

Tom: Hazel, if you were tall enough, I'd ask you to cover my eyes- this is torture!

Hazel: what're they doing??

Tom: they're french kissing! *gags*

Donnisa: *separates and laughs a little* I love you

Hazel: so they're done now??

Tom: yep *takes his hands away from Hazel* you're lucky you didn't see-

Me: wait, there was one last dare!!

Donnie: what was it??

Hazel: I feel like this is gonna be fun to watch, I'm grabbing out my phone *grabs out phone and begins to record*

Tom: it won't be fun, I feel like it won't be fun-

Me: for you maybe~ *whispers the dare to Donnie*

Donnie: *nods his head* okay, let's do it!!

Tom: I have a bad feeling about this-

Donnisa: *punches Tom* that was fun!

Hazel: *laughs a little* I think you knocked him out.... *walks over to Tom and pokes him with her foot* yeah, he's out cold

Me: can't wait for anymore questions-

Donnie: or dares-

Hazel: you guys are weird-

Donnisa: don't forget to ask or dare any of us!! We might not be in the lair for much longer, so be quick if it involves April, Casey or Leo!! Bye~


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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