New hybrid!

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My mom: *from her room* kids! There's a new kid next door in Louisa's old friend's house!! You should go see if they need help moving in

Christian: *puts headset back on* my game just started, can you help him and I'll be out in five to twenty minutes??

Me: *rolls eyes softly* *sarcastically* sure, take your time *gets slippers on* *walks out* *is in shorts and a tank top during December* *shudders* I always forget how cold it is out here *sees the house close by the pig cage* *furrows eyebrows confused* *walks towards the house* *tries not to groan from the smell of shit* *mumbles* damn, I feel like I'd remember if someone lived this close *knocks on the door*

Peedee: *from inside* hold on!! I'm trying not to- *screams*

Me: *flinched* *worried for whoever's in there* *waits a bit impatiently*

Peedee: *hair messed up* *in a different outfit then when I seen him before* *sighs* sorry, I didn't think I was loud

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Peedee: *hair messed up* *in a different outfit then when I seen him before* *sighs* sorry, I didn't think I was loud. I was just trying to- *finally looks at Louisa* *jaw dropped a little* *blushed slightly*

Me: *smiles softly* hey! I heard you're a new neighbor. So... I thought I could ask if you need help settling in?

Peedee: *brushed some of his hair back* uh-

Me: dang, I'm sorry I should introduce myself *holds hand out* I'm Louisa. And it's nice to meet you *smiles sweetly*

Peedee: *smiles softly* *hesitantly accepts Louisa's hand* Peedee. Peedee Fryman

Me: *laughs softly* "Fryman"??

Peedee: yeah, I lived in a place called Beach City... I think it's in Texas, but my dad thought I should try to be independent *mumbles loudly* unlike my older brother Renaldo.

Me: *laughs* tell me about it, my brother didn't want to help yet. He's still gaming in the living room

Peedee: but I was only trying to figure out what to do with shuffling some of the furniture around a bit. I thought I was being loud because it's hard to move a couch on your own *nervously laughs*

Me: I can try to help, but Imma warn you right now I'm as weak as a seven year old *nervously laughs*

Peedee: *chuckles softly* it's fine, I'm barely stronger than a seven year old, so we're pretty much even. *moves to the side* *motions for Louisa to come in*

Me: *walks in*

-back with the gang-

Raph: *reading a comic*

Leo: *walks out of the kitchen* do you think Donnie will be alright? It's only been a few hours since Weeza left.

Raph: I give him a day or two before he starts getting heartbroken. *turns a page* maybe sooner since he's a dork-

Garnet: *walking away from Leo's room* think again.

Leo: did you just come from my room??

Garnet: Sam needed help with something.

Donnie: *opens lab door* *eyes are red and puffy* no one disturb me! *shuts lab doors loudly* *locks door*

Raph: huh. You were right *gets back to reading comic*

Steven: *chuckles softly* you act like you're shocked.

Tom: does anyone else feel like there won't be as much drama without Louisa here??

Leo: kind of. But is that a good thing or bad??

Garnet: bad. You guys basically live on drama *walks back into the dojo*

Leo & Raph: *deadpan at Garnet* you mean like figuring out that you're dating our father?!

Master Splinter: *pissed off* YAME!!

Steven: *chuckles softly* man, we really do have drama almost every day. What would it be like without it??

Tom: well, Leo still has a pregnant girlfriend. There's still a bit of drama.

Leo: how is that drama??

Raph: *snarky* finding out late that the kid isn't yours

Tom: *bursts out laughing*

Leo: *deadpanning at them* I hate you both sometimes.

Steven: wait, I got your back *snaps fingers*

Tamika: *still laughing* *is now a girl again* ... I'm a girl again, aren't I??

Raph: *drops comic* *falls off couch laughing*

Leo: *smirks* thanks, Steven.

Steven: *blows on pointer finger* no problem

Hazel: Steeeeveeeen!!! *runs in from the entrance*

Steven: what's up??

Hazel: it's crazy, I was walking around New York, trying to remember directions and the craziest thing happened!

Steven: what's that??

Hazel: I found this small pawn shop, it had a small green topaz gem that I really wanted, so I bought it. Though on my way back I went through this one alleyway and accidentally ran into some Kraang-

Leo: how are you here?!

Garnet: *adjusts her visors* *gasps* *froze*

Hazel: they mutated me, it hurt, but I didn't know what happened for a second. Not until I noticed this *moved hair to behind neck* *shows green topaz on side of neck*

Steven: *eyes widen* H-Hazel??

Raph: *looks over his shoulder*

Hazel: I got mutated into being a half-human and half-gem!!! Maybe it's because of how long I've been hanging out with you, but this is so cool. I felt myself be stronger than I already was, broke through metal restraints and ran for my life.

Tamika: how are you so happy right now?!

Hazel: *furrows eyebrows at Tamika* *ignores the randomness of a new girl* well, I'm alive and have my humanity. Not to mention I can train and be as strong as Steven! We can bond even more now. Right??

Raph: kid, this is stupid - you're not normal anymore!

Leo: are any of us really normal though??

Steven: Hazel, maybe Raph has a point - I can snap up some more retro-mutagen if-

Hazel: Steven *holds Steven's hands softly* I want to know how you feel. This kind of helps, but I'm not really a diamond like you are. This is as close as I can get!! *smiles big* now how about you guys try to explain how to summon my weapon?? *runs into the dojo*

Garnet: *adjusts visors* Steven, duck.

Steven: *confused* *ducks quickly* *heard glass shatter* *eyes widen* *looks at where it came from*

Donnie: shut it! *slams lab doors shut* *locks door again*

Tamika: he's not taking this well...

Steven: I'm gonna text Pearl and tell her to get ready and get Amethyst ready too. Who knows how Hazel can understand this *grabs out phone* *starts texting Pearl*

Garnet: *adjusts visors* hmm... tell them they're staying for a few weeks.

Leo: you mean for gem training??

Garnet: no. *softly* *smiling* Donnisa will be back in session - Pearl and Amethyst help a bit.

Steven: *smiles big* *sets his phone in his pocket* I'll be back in a bit guys. *snaps a portal open* *goes through*


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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