SiNgLe BoY.

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-with me and Steven-

Me: what are you confused about?? *jumps on my bed and looks at Steven with a blank face*

Steven: don't you think you should talk about what happened back there?? *takes a bite of pizza*

Me: well, there's not much to talk about. You seen what happened, he's still hung over April. So if he's so into her, why not try his hand on that deal. Anyways, what were you confused about?

Steven: well, was Tom with April?

Me: yeah, she was jealous of me getting Donnie, Tom was jealous of Donnie getting me, so they kind of had that in common. Can't forget about them actually loving eachother for a bit. You seen what I seen though. Something about her going after Leo, so she dumped Tom.

Steven: yeah, that makes me ask my next question. Was anyone dating Leo before he tried to get with April?

Me: yes, my cousin, Sam. They were an amazing couple, Leo probably broke it off with her for April. Don't know what happened between them though.

Steven: was anyone dating Hazel at one point?

Me: yeah, one of April's friends, Casey, I think they're still together. We just forgot about him since he doesn't say much. Hazel doesn't either-

Steven: *raises an eyebrow* were you always with Donnie? How'd that happen??

Me: *eyebrows furrow* are you just trying to get me to talk about Donatello??

Steven: ... *playfully* maybe.

Me: fine, the story of Donnisa. We're in this game, an ask or dare game. It's basically just truth or dare. The twist is - none of us get to ask or dare the events. Other people do, so they get to see how we react to it. Throughout the game, I started falling for Donnie. The people noticed, so they did some dares to get us closer together. There's these girls, Jasmine and Dezzy, who basically stuck with us throughout the game. I'm pretty sure Dezzy was the one to dare us into our first kiss.... after a bit I told Donnie I liked him. That's basically it.

Steven: what's the story on Sam and Leo??

Me: Sam is basically the type of girl to have had a lot of boyfriends, but I think she told me something about Leo being special. She hadn't felt like that before, well, only once, but he broke her heart-

Steven: isn't that what just happened though?? Special with someone, then he just... broke her heart??

Me: I don't know if she's broken hearted from it-

Steven: oh no, she is. I talked with both her and Tom, they're both sad.

Me: well, live and learn, I guess. Either way.... you play guitar, right?

Steven: yeah! I also play ukulele, piano-

Me: that's cool! I didn't know you were such of a musician.

Steven: do you play anything?

Me: I learned trumpet.

Steven: that's awesome!

Me: yeah.... but I always wanted to play guitar or ukulele. It seemed like fun, you'd be able to write your own songs, sing them, perform them-

Steven: I can teach you! If you want, that is.

Me: really? It wouldn't be any trouble??

Steven: no! It'd actually be really fun.

*a phone with a goes off*

Me: that's not my phone-

Steven: sorry, it's mine *grabs his phone and reads a text* *eyes widen* n-no...... *tears start to come out and starts turning pink*

Me: Steven, what's wrong??

Steven: sh-she... *clears throat* I Am NoW a SiNgLe BoY.

Me: oh, Steven. I'm so sorry *puts an arm around Steven's shoulders in an attempt to comfort him* what, why did she-

Steven: said that she didn't want to do the long distance relationship and she doesn't know where Lion went. So.... she decided to end it with m-me.... *cries into my shoulder*

Me: Steven.... it's all going to be okay, I know how you feel-

Steven: *angered* you can't understand the way I feel!! You dumped him! *cries even harder*

Me: Steven, when you heard someone out there ask how many times did we break up and get back together - he's dumped me before too. One time he said the most hurtful shit, that I could only run. I ran so much, that I got myself into some trouble. That's how I got turned into... this *tail thumps a bit to get attention* *dog ears flatten against my head sadly*

Steven: *eyes widen as he turns back to normal* I-I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Me: it's okay. Either way, do you wanna just surround yourself with people who won't ask you about her? Or do you wanna try teaching me guitar or ukulele as we're bored?

Steven: let's try to teach you how to play. It might bring up my moods more than going out there to a bunch of strangers.

-half an hour later with the group-

Sam: I can't believe it.

Leo: what?

Hazel: she's probably talking about how in the half an hour to an hour of you being here and you two somehow get back together.

Master Splinter: I must say, I am impressed on how quickly you two made up.

Mikey: my side OTP is back babeii! *starts dancing while humming the 2012 tmnt theme song*

Raph: but isn't it weird how neither of the four that went to a room has come out yet??

April: should we check on them??

Sam: I'll check on Tom and Donnie while someone else can check on Steven and Weeza.

Mikey: I'll check on them!

-with Sam-

Sam: *climbs up the stairs to the attic and sees both a bed and supplies as Donnie's lab* *sarcasm* well, that looks safe.

Donnie: *scoffs* who asked you?

Tom: that's a new Donnie. At least you stopped crying-

Sam: is he good?? *points at Donnie*

Donnie: *annoyed* if you're going to ask a question about me, ask me instead.

Tom: he was fine a second ago, it was quiet for a good five minutes. At least, until you walked in-

Donnie: let's just go down there before people think I'm staying in my lab *walks down normally somehow without looking sad*

-with Mikey-

Mikey: *walks to the door* *knocks* guys?? Are you doing good- *yelps as he barely avoids the attic steps* *accidentally opens the door a jar*

*the door was open enough to show Steven and Louisa, Donnie noticed this and couldn't help but spy a bit as Mikey stood up*

Me: you mean like this?? *tries to hold the guitar correctly to strum a regular G* *holds guitar wrong and drops it*

Steven: *chuckles* no, here let me help. *wraps arms around me and grabs the guitar* *guides my arms and hands to do the right note*

Me: dang, that's way easier!


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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