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Hazel: I feel weird saying this, but- Raph is right!

Raph: you act like you're surprised-

Donnie: maybe.... Louisa-

Me: please tell me that saying my actual name means that you're not breaking up with me!

Steven: I can leave! I don't want to come in between you-

Donnisa: you're not leaving!

Sam: the one thing they're agreeing on right now, Tom, can you make me some popcorn?

Tom: sure, I was going to make some anyways. *walks to the microwave*

Me and Hazel: *looks at Donnie confused* wait, why are you wanting Steven to stay??

Raph: *chuckles and looks at Tom* make a lot of popcorn!

Steven: ..... *walks to the wall and watches the scene unfold*

Donnie: because, either one of us are going to need him... Louisa, we should take a break.

Me: what, WhY?? *tears are starting to fall*

Hazel: even after that speech Raph said, you're still going to break up with her??

Donnie: yes! Because whether he's right or wrong, I have to realize.... what Tom said earlier was kind of true.

Tom: wait, did someone say my name? *looks up at the group* *stupid look on his face*

Raph: what are ya sayin??

Donnie: that... I don't want my heart broken if she finds the one for her.....

Steven: woah, woah- didn't he also say that she found you?? Donnie, was it? Tom said that he accepted that she found someone better than him. That person is you! You shouldn't break up with Louisa over something like this right now. Do you need to talk some stuff out??

Me: maybe.... Donnie, I'm breaking up with you-

Everyone: wait, what?!?

Me: he's right, we go through relationships in our lives, maybe some more than others- but maybe he needs to find someone better than me. I'm not that one prize at a carnival that you really want anyways, I'm more of like the one you get at the dollar store.

Hazel: Louisa, I've told you-

Sam: that she's one of a kind? Where has that gotten her??

Raph: is that popcorn ready yet??

Tom: yep! *hands Sam and Raph popcorn*

Sam, Raph and Tom: *begin eating popcorn and watch what's happening*
Hazel: Steven you talk to Donnie, I'll talk to Weeza. We'll see what's going on *pulls me to my room*

Steven: on it! *pulls Donnie to the attic*

-with the four simultaneously-

Hazel: what in the shell happening with you?! I thought you loved Donnie.
Steven: what's happening with you?? I thought you loved Louisa.

Donnisa: I do love him/her! He's/She's my everything!

Steven and Hazel: then what are you doing?! You seem like/are such a cute couple!

Donnisa: I.... *groans and falls back on the bed* I just think he/she can do better than me!

Me: I mean, look at me! My hair was so much better before I tried to change it for him!
Donnie: I mean, look at me! I'm a mutant- *realizes he's in his human form* I-I mean.. I'm not the best she could go for.

Steven and Hazel: what are you talking about?? You look great!

Donnisa: you're just saying that! I know that I'm ugly, and I know that he/she can do so much better!

Steven and Hazel: have you ever talked about this to her/him??

Donnisa: why would I??? He'd/She'd just stay with.. me.....

Steven and Hazel: then what's the problem?? You both are in love with eachother, so much that you're probably doing the same exact thing right now as Hazel/Steven talks to her/him. Go back and tell her/him everything you just told me!!!

Donnisa: you're right! I don't know what I was thinking, thanks Hazel/Steven *hugs Hazel/Steven* you're the best! *runs out and towards eachother* Don Don/sweetheart, I'm so sorry!! *hugs the other* I thought you'd be better without.... me. Are we really in sync with the other right now???.... PIZZA! JACK-O-LATERNS! YOU'RE AMAZING!! YEAH YOU ARE! *laughs a little* what made you think I'd be better off without you??

Me: Donnie, you're amazing! You're smart, tall, adorkable- who wouldn't want to date you??

Donnie: Louisa..... you're even better! You're smart too, small is adorable, and we both know you're adorkable too. Who wouldn't want to date you?!

Raph and Sam: I'd like to be added to that list of not wanting to date shorty/Don-

Donnisa: stay out of this!

Me: Donnie, short isn't adorable, it's a thing people like to make fun of, I'm not smart like you, and not many people would want to date me.

Donnie: Louisa, look me in the eyes. I'm not lying, you know how I usually look! Not many people are lining up to want to date me.

Me: the real you is the reason of how I started to like you! You're so different it's unique! It also means I don't have to worry about some girl wanting to take you away from me. Steven, prepare yourself right now, we're not all human! *snaps fingers*

Raph, Donnie and Tom: *got changed back to their normal self*
Me: *shakes my head a bit to show my dog ears and takes off my hoodie from around my waist to show my tail*

Steven: *eyes widen* what the-

Hazel: I forgot you got changed into an Inu-

Sam: I didn't!

Raph: I missed my regular self

Tom: you can say that again!

Steven: you're.... not normal either! Thank goodness, I was wondering how I was talking to "humans" like it was no big deal. I'm not normal either, I don't care! *lifts shirt to show his gem* I also figured out that I'm not a Rose Quartz. Mom actually-

Sam: that's a story for another time my friend-

Hazel: I have not said much since we were in the room, but Donnisa-

Sam, Hazel and Raph: get back to your moment!

Donnie: *looks at me* you really mean it??

Me: I wouldn't lie to you Don Don. I love you!

Donnie: *pulls me in for a kiss*

Me: *smiles big and kisses back*

Steven: you guys show your love more than Ruby and Sapphire *blushes and puts his hands over his eyes*

Sam: no they don't.

Hazel: who??

Raph: I learned not to question things my shor- friend....

Hazel: were you about to call me short?? I'm the same size as you ya idiot!

Tom: never thought I'd hear ya say that-

Sam: now they're Frenching, let's order a pizza or something while they do this! *walks to the kitchen*


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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