A little bit of violence

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Me: okay, I am not liking the way any of these dares sound! *turns white*

Donnie: okay guys prepare for an explosion-

Sam: !nevaeh ni setunim neves did ew nehw neve ,enod ev'ew erad rehto yna ekil tsuj eldnah ot ysae eb annog s'tI !citamard os eb t'nond

Tom: you guys did what?!

Raph: what are the dares?

April: tell us before I laugh my guts out from the different, and ridiculous, colors *covers her mouth so she wouldn't be laughing hard*

Donnie and Tom: *growling and glaring at April*

Mikey: find inner peace my dudes, and can someone help me up from the floor!

Leo and Casey: *helps Mikey up, and puts his arms around their shoulders*

Leo: Mikey's right...... I know, I never thought I'd say that sentence either

Me: April you're just making this dare easier, Donnie got dared to punch you. You can't hurt him, me, or Sam for this dare.

April: like Donnie would really punch-

Donnie: *punches April on her eye* I've been wanting to do that...... *wipes his hand*

Casey: *starts laughing as (s)he falls to the floor*

Tom: nice one! *lifts his hand up for a high five*

Donnie: *high fives Tom*

Hazel: *sits up* what did I miss- *sees Donnie and Tom high five* guys it's the end of the world, abandon ship! *stands up, but starts to fall back into sleep*

Me: *tries to catch Hazel, but ended up breaking her fall* I need to work out more, this is ridiculous!

Sam: *laughs while pointing at me* *does a blank face as she asks* ??moT em dnatsrednu nac ouy

Leo: I wish I knew what you were saying-

Tom: yeah, I've been put in a class to learn backwards talk....... I guess when people figured out I was dating Star they thought it would help to learn that language. Louisa let me help you though *picks up Hazel bridal style* *looks at her face* who is she? I know most of you, just not her, or the other two humans that have long hair and is looking like a punk chic.

Casey: wait, I'm a girl?! *puts her hands on her boobs* oh my god!!!! Also hands off of my girl! *grabs Hazel from Tom*

Me: moving on! Casey did you hold Hazel for half an hour earlier??

Casey: *blushing* y-yeah.......

Donnie: he has commitment to Hazel, for once he is good at something!

Leo: *laughs a little, starts flying again* I have got to learn how to control this *looks at everyone* but I feel taller

Mikey: *falls out of Leos grip* Leo!

Leo: whoops, sorry Mikey! *picks him up bridal style while still flying*

Raph: go on with the dares, or questions! I'm gettin bored!

April: oh wait, demon, I'm April, who's supposed to be Casey is that "punk chic" holding the sleeping thing, nice to meet you.

Tom: oh hey April, what's on my hand? *shows his palm to April*

April: *looks at it* nothing, why?

Tom: because I think you're writing your name on it, let me show you, ya know, just so you know what I mean *slaps her across the face* who's the sleeping girl anyways?

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