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-in the morning-

Donnie: *yawns* *stretched* *noticed he still has his mask on* *mumbles* man, did I fall asleep in the lab again?? *opens eyes* *noticed he's not in the lab* *sits up* *looks around the room* *mumbles* oh yeah, the sleepover... *stands up* *stretched again* *groans* *walks towards the kitchen* *starts making coffee*

-back in the living room-

Garnet: *walks out of the dojo* I didn't think meditating could actually help me figure out what timelines could happen more than the others. *stretched* *looks around the room* *noticed Peedee and Louisa sleeping in the others hold* *mumbles* oh no... *looks towards the kitchen doorway*

Donnie: *walks out with coffee in hand* *takes a big drink* ah... *sees Garnet* hey Garnet.

Garnet: don't get upset, but *motions to the couch*

Donnie: *raised an eye-ridge* *looks at the couch* *sees Peedee and Louisa* *breathes in and out* *sighs* okay, so? What about it??

Garnet: *raised an eyebrow* aren't you still in love with Louisa?

Donnie: no, she can date and like whoever she wants. Plus, they're just sleeping - it's not like they're together yet!... I'll be in the lab if you need me *walks towards the lab* *closed the door*

-later when everyone's awake-

Me: okay, so what do we have in plan for today?? *checks phone* *sees the mean girls' dares* well, we aren't ever seeing those people again. Milo texted me saying Murphy's Law took full effect once I left. Turns out it kind of did a favor and put the girls in a hospital for literally breaking their ankles from a truck full of toys getting in a wreck and marbles is what fell out. They were struggling to stay up with their heels on... it's all over Worldtube, I swear, it's kinda funny-

Star: you had trouble?? Why didn't you call me? *sad puppy eyes*
Marco: Murphy's Law??

Dezzy: they were in a different dimension on business-

Raph: *points thumb at Louisa* she was good-girl-gone-bad because of a breakup..

Jakey: it was CRAZY!

Leo: shh! I told you, Sam is wanting a quiet day for once... it's kind of weird, but she's planning on taking a nap soon-

Peedee: didn't she just wake up?

Leo: yeah.... I know, it's weird - but I'll be in the dojo getting some training in *walks towards the dojo*

Raph: let me join ya! It's been a while since we trained *follows Leo*

Dezzy: ... did he really just ditch me for training??

Hazel: yep. *adjusts her glasses*

Steven: so we don't have to do anything today?

Me: doesn't look like it-

Haven: *go to the guest room to hang out*
Jakey: *go to Mikey's room to play video games*
Dezzy: *goes to Raph's room to read comics*
Tom: hey Star, wanna hang out and catch up??

Star: *shrugs her shoulders* why not?

Tom & Star: *walk to the sewers to go up top*

Me: ... oookay?
Marco: that was weird
Peedee: ... I'm used to this place being weird

Me: I'm gonna see what Donnie's doing-

Marco: but I thought you guys broke up
Peedee: okay

Me: yeah, we did. But it doesn't mean that we still can't be friends... right? *walks towards the lab*

-in the lab-

Donnie: *thinking maybe we shouldn't-*

*someone knocks on the lab door*

Donnie: who is it??

Me: *through the door* *Mario accent* it's-a me, Mario!

Donnie: *rolls eyes* oh ha ha, very funny. Seriously, who is it?

Me: *through the door* *playfully* who do you think?

Donnie: *sighs softly* come in!...

Me: *walks in* *closed the door* hey Donnie, what's-

Donnie: *stands up* I think we should talk...

Me: *blinks* is it serious?

Donnie: *nods*

Me: sitting serious or standing serious?

Donnie: you need to sit down-

Me: dang... *sits down in spinny chair* so-

Donnie: don't spin either.

Me: ... you know me too well, okay what's up?

Donnie: Louisa, maybe we shouldn't be friends-

Me: *eyes widen* what? Why??

Donnie: because, whenever we start being friends we end up getting together, and I don't think I want that.

Me: since when?! Every time we broke up we tried to avoid eachother... a lot.

Donnie: okay, then I meant to say that I'm just trying to prevent heartbreak for you or me. Because once we'd hang out we'd probably end up getting back together.

Me: *smiles softly* I understand. So I guess I'll just go out there and see who wants to hang out...

Donnie: that sounds like it's for the best *walks back towards his desk* *sits down* *looks at his laptop*

Me: *frowns* *walks towards the door* *opens it* *walks out*

-with Marco and Peedee before Louisa walks out-

Peedee: *sighs*

Marco: *raised an eyebrow at Peedee* *remembers their talk from before* oh yeahhh - still crushing on Louisa?

Peedee: *blushed slightly* y-yeah...

Marco: I know how you feel, man. *sits on the couch* *chuckles* I was in your shoes before too-

Peedee: wait, you're the Marco she knew liked her?? *deadpans at Marco* you're not... liking her again?-

Marco: *blushed softly* she knew??... ughh, but no. At least I don't think I like her - I basically got to start dating Star because of her. But Star broke up with me because she said I was harboring feelings, or something. I don't know, she wouldn't tell me-

Peedee: *raised an eyebrow* *sighs* it's just, she basically saved me-

Marco: *confused* from what??

Peedee: having to move from home just because I failed math...

Marco: *chuckles* really? That's why you like her?? Because she saved you from having to do school work?

Peedee: *glares at Marco* no! I fell in love at first sight!! *brushed his hair back* and I'm hoping she doesn't notice. Whenever I'm around her I start getting brain-dead as I blush softly-

Me: *walks out of the lab* *looking down sadly* *closed the lab door* *walks towards the kitchen*

Marco & Peedee: *share a look* should we-

Garnet: *walks out of the dojo* *looks at the boys* let me have a word with her. If she comes out on her own without me, Peedee follows her. If we come out together, she'll most likely ask to hang out with Marco like old times *walks into the kitchen*

Marco: ... what just-

Peedee: I think Steven said she can see into the future? I don't really remember...


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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