Sam's In Charge (part 3)

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Me: Donnie, I hate to do this-

Donnie: do what??

Me: someone dared for Sam to be in charge again-

Sam: I heard my name!!! *runs into the kitchen* you called??

Donnisa: *rolls eyes and snaps fingers* *eyes widen* wait, I thought you would let me give her my powers!

Sam: wait, what?? *smirks* you both just gave me your powers... didn't you??

Donnisa: apparently-


April: should we be worried??

Raph: it's Sam, everyone should be worried-

Sam: either way, do what I said, or else.... I snap my fingers and change your gender-

Raph: GO BEFORE SHE DOES, SHE'LL DO IT!!! *runs to a random room*

Everyone but Sam: *does as Sam says and goes to a random room*

Sam: *snickers and snaps her fingers anyways.... switching people's bodies* this should be fun, Leo, let's watch a movie!

Leo: *walks out* okay, why did you-

Sam: not important, I just thought me and you should watch their reactions once they realize what I did

Leo: what'd you do Sam??

Sam: okay, I'll show you, Dorkatello, get out here!

Donnie in Raph's body: what do you- that isn't my voice!

Leo: *looks at Sam* did you switch their bodies?!

Donnie in Raph's body: SAM!!

Sam: wait, it gets better- Weeza! Get your ass out here!

Donnie in Raph's body: not my sweet honeybee-

Me in Hazel's body: yeah- why do I sound like Hazel??

Sam: *hysterically laughs*

Leo: R-Raph?!

Raph in Donnie's body: I feel so much taller- why do I sound like Donnie??

Donnie in Raph's body: why don't you ask Sam *crosses arms*

Me in Hazel's body: wait, does that mean Donnie is in Raph's body as Raph is in Donnie's??

Raph & Donnie: yep!

Leo: do I even want to call out Mikey....

Me in Hazel's body: MIKEY!!!

Mikey in April's body: I feel different.... not a good different either- yo, dudes, this isn't my voice!

Raph in Donnie's body: *starts hysterically laughing with Sam*

Mikey in April's body: stop laughing Donnie- wait am I in April's body?! That's disgusting!

Me in Hazel's body: that isn't Donnie that's laughing, my Don Don is.... right here *grabs Donnie in Raph's body's hand*

Mikey in April's body: does that mean that you're Weeza??

Donnie in Raph's body: yeah...

Leo: Casey!!!

Casey in Tom's body: yeah, what's up- not my voice....

Sam: this is just getting better and better!

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