Let me spoil you - Fluff

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Toni's POV:

Normally, Cheryl will spend a lot of money on me. I don't mind it but it makes me feel bad that I can't spoil her the same. I don't tell her because I don't want to seem ungrateful. So, Ive been saving up some money and I picked up an extra shift at the Wyrm. Cheryl was anything but happy about it, she complained and complained that we weren't spending as much time together, which was understandable and I was sad about it too. But, I hope it'll all end up well.

Cheryl is absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter, like obsessed almost every night is "Harry Potter marathon night". But anyways, since she loves Harry Potter more than she loves me, I'm getting her a set of wands. Which, might I add were hella expensive. Then, I ordered her a cherry necklace. Next was the hardest to hide from her a giant stuffed elephant, she doesn't like bears but loves elephants. After blowing most of my paycheck I had finished up with the gifts and was ready to give them to her. On my way to work today I remembered she was on her period, so I ended up getting her a snack basket too. Sue me.

 Sue me

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Choni One Shots | smutty, fluffy, angstyWhere stories live. Discover now