Your fault -Angst

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Cheryl gets kicked out of her house for being gay and blames Toni

⚠️TW⚠️homophobic slurs

"Pack your things up, we won't allow a faggot in our house" My father said as he slammed my bedroom door shut.

With tears in my eyes, I stood up from my bed and walked to my closet. The place I've hid all my life.

Tonight my secret was out, my father went through my phone and found messages with my girlfriend, Toni. They normally delete themselves since we usually talk through Snapchat. But earlier today, Toni's Snapchat had to update and she "couldn't wait a full 25 seconds" to text me. It was cute at the time but now look what it's caused.

My family is kicking me out and it's all her fault.

"I hear you're finally getting kicked out, ya know... for being a dyke" Jason said as he walked into my room.

"Leave me alone, Jason. I don't want to talk to you" My voice cracked and the pain was clear.

"No can do sis, I've got strict orders from mother and father to get you out."

"Yeah, I'm going as fast as I can Jason!" I yelled as I yanked my clothes off of hangers and threw them into my suitcase.

"You better zip that up" he said, spitting his gum into the trash and pointing to my suitcase.

"Why?" I sniffled

"Tried to tell you" he started walking up to me. The look on his face was not comforting and the bad feeling in my gut only grew.

"What're you doing?

"Jason, put me down!" I screamed as he picked up off my feet and tried throwing me over his shoulder.

"Get off of me! Mommy please help me!" The tears were now flowing freely down my face, I couldn't hold them back anymore.

My own family was disowning me, aggressively throwing me out of the house.

My mother came running down the hall, rolling her eyes when she saw us.

"Jason, aren't you a football player? You should be able to get her up and out no problem!"

"Mother, she's hitting and scratching me-"

"I don't want to hear it, I don't want to see her. If you don't get her out of my house in the next two minutes you can join her."

"But mom. I'm not a faggot like she is. That's not fair!"

"Two minutes. No time for temper tantrums." She turned back around and walked away. She turned her back on me and didn't even think twice.

"Jason please. Please, I'll do anything just put me down!" I yelled as I punched him on his back repeatedly.

"Cheryl just stop. This isn't easy for me-"

"You don't think this is hard for me? You think I want you to drag me out of my house? Do you think my struggling is fake or funny? Put me down, Jason"

"She'll kill me, Cheryl. And I don't know if that's literal or figurative. Our parents are not good people-"

"So you're on my side?"

"Absolutely not. I don't agree with your views but I don't think they should be kicking you out for it."

"Then don't. Let me stay. Act like you're kicking me out when I'm really hiding in a different wing of the house-"

"I can't do that"

"Some brother you are."

"Grab your suitcase" he said as he put me down so I could stand on my feet.

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