Polyamorous (4) - Smut

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Description: Another part of the polyamorous relationship between Toni, Cheryl and Veronica. What is their official ship name?


Same night
Veronica's POV:

I held both of my girlfriends, Cheryl on my left and Toni on my right. I ran my hand through Toni's brown hair while rubbing Cheryl's back. They shared a look before sitting up.

"Ronnie, we're so grateful for everything you do for us" Cheryl started

"We appreciate all the sacrifices you've made to be with us" Toni continued, looking into my eyes.

"We love you baby" they said in unison

"We want to show you how much we love you" Toni said, running her fingers over my arm.

"Can we make love to you?" Cheryl asked

"Yeah, of course you can" I smirked

They pulled me down, leaving my head under a few pillows. Toni climbed on my right leg and Cheryl laid next to me, tangling our legs together. She gently caressed my face with the pad of her thumb. She leaned in and trapped our lips in a delicate kiss. I savored the feeling, tasting the wine we all had earlier. My hands went to her face as well, I gently moved some hair out of the way and pulled back.

I looked down at Toni who was kissing up my thighs, sending tingles to my center. I reached down to the brunette, meeting her half way for a sweet kiss, she inhaled deeply as she let herself melt into me. Then, Toni and Cheryl kissed, it was very light. They weren't sucking each other's faces off like they usually do, they were taking their time, being passionate. They pulled apart with a smack sound. Toni bit her lip and kissed my neck gently, she turned my head to face Cheryl for better access. Cheryl caressed Toni's arm and my thigh at the same time before capturing my lips in a hot kiss.

I took in the romantic scenery, the rose petals, candles, light music (don't worry we turned the shower off) and dim lights. My two extraordinary girlfriends kissing all around my body. Cheryl moved to my arms kissing there a few times before my collarbone. When she got to my breasts she spent extra time there, knowing how much I love attention in that area. Toni tugged at the bottom of my shirt.

"Take it off of me" I smirked


Her and Cheryl took the shirt off of me, leaving me in sexy dark purple lace.

"So pretty for us" Toni admired, lightly gripping my torso.

"You're gorgeous Veronica" Cheryl complimented, biting her lip. Watching them both admire my body made me feel so good about myself. They both smiled at me, Toni came back up to my shoulder planting a soft kiss there before, once again, making her way down my body. Cheryl copied her actions after giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I watched as my two soulmates appreciated my body for all it was worth. I laid back and closed my eyes, taking in the feeling of both their lips nearing my center, past my birthmark, and my bellybutton. My breath hitched when I felt one of their hands make its way into my pants. I opened my eyes to see Cheryl looking into my eyes with her own green ones, as if asking if she could take them off. I nodded and she pulled them down gently.

Before she could even get them all the way off Toni moved to my thighs. I felt her tongue moving in a circular motion after she bit down lightly. Cheryl came back up and grabbed both of my thighs, opening them gently and squeezing them a little harder

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