Self Harm - Angst

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Toni accidentally sees Cheryl's self harm marks.

- Angst (the 😪 kind not the 😡 kind)
- Fluff (still 😪)

TW ⚠️ for Self harm, mentions of suicide and rape.

It was summer time. The time Cheryl Blossom hated the most. The time where it was too hot for long sleeves and jackets. It was so hot that the makeup she used to cover her scars melted. It was so hot that she couldn't hide her secret anymore.

It was the first summer after Cheryl began battling with her mental health, after her rapist, Nick St. Clair had sexually assaulted her. After that happened she couldn't take it anymore. She was drowning in her own mind, she couldn't focus, she couldn't feel, she was numb and needed to feel something, she needed a distraction.

When she left Ronnie's apartment, where she'd been understanding and welcoming after her "accidental" suicide attempt, she went home. Passing by the barn her father committed suicide in as the police tried to arrest him for the murder of her twin brother. She walked through the double doors to her mansion fit for a hundred guests and felt alone. She felt hurt and scared. She felt anxious and exhausted. Her mind was going places she wished it never had, dark, scary places. She needed it to stop, her head hurt. Her mind hurt, her conscious was reminding her of every bad thing that happened in her life.

"You're a deviant, loveless brat. No one will ever want you" - Words from her mother, the day she left her.

"Honey, all that weight you've gained. You're getting quite fat, don't you think?" From her father, when he was alive, reminding her of what she was most insecure about.

"No! No! please! Someone save me! PLEASE!" Jason's last words as she watched the tape in which he was murdered.

Cheryl was alone.

No one to love.

No one to love her.

Cheryl was hurt.

Mentally hurt, she hated the confusing feeling and needed something real. Something she could control. She resorted to physical pain. If she could cause herself physical pain she could distract herself from the mental exhaustion she was feeling. So she ran up the stairs and went to her bathroom. Grabbing the razor from her shower and taking out the thin metal.

She heard about this, but was she really going to do it?

As she stared at the blade in front of her, her thoughts returned.

"No! Stop, please! Make it stop!" She screamed as she held her head. Taking one last look at the razor and her pale arm, she couldn't take it anymore. She dug the blade into her skin until the thoughts disappeared, until she was more focused on the blood spewing from her arm than she was her other problems.

Those cuts left a mark.

They continued to leave new marks...

Until Toni came along.

When Cheryl met Toni she did anything she could to keep her away. She was so attracted to her but she couldn't believe her mother's words. She couldn't believe that she was "deviant" so she ran. She hid. She failed. She gave up. And now Toni is her girlfriend, of almost 8 months.

But those scars, a year later, haven't disappeared. And the visual still hurt to see. Slashes across her wrists, up both of her forearms. So she hid them, stylish jackets and long sleeved shirts were her new best friend.

But it's summer time and her girlfriend is a goof ball.

"Come on Cher, it's almost one hundred degrees outside. You have to be burning up!" Toni insisted as she got out of the pool water and walked up to Cheryl.

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