The Blossom Inn - Smut + Fluff

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Toni and Cheryl didn't have sex very often.

They were too busy doing other normal teenage things. Like going to the movies, staying up way later than healthy, studying, going on dates to pops, ice cream shops and the mall. Anywhere they could go alone, they'd go together and somehow make it into a wonderful experience as a couple

Now was one of those times, Cheryl was at her summer job, a hotel her family owned called "The Blossom Inn" where Toni joined her. It took some convincing since Toni isn't a Blossom yet, but when she proved how hard of a worker she was, the family practically begged her to work for them over the summer. Toni happily accepted the offer and now works by her girlfriend's side. Which is, coincidentally, where she is now.

'hey cutie ;)' read the note Cheryl slid to Toni as they sat at the front desk.

Toni read it with a smile and a small blush before returning the kind gesture.

'hello gorgeous <3' Cheryl read the note with a similar reaction to Toni, blowing her girlfriend a kiss.

"Hey love birds, phone's ringing" Jason said as he pointed to the hotel phone between the two girls.

The redhead sighed as he watched his sister and her girlfriend continue with their heart eyes. He chuckled and got the phone himself.

"Blossom Inn, what can I do for you?" Jason answered, putting on his service voice.

When Toni and Cheryl were snapped out of their pure love's trance, Toni decided to see how many available rooms they had. Cheryl on the other hand, was writing her signature over and over on a sticky note. 'Cheryl Blossom-Topaz'

No matter how much she wished she could ditch the blossom name and proudly call herself Mrs. Cheryl Topaz, she knew her family wouldn't allow it. They want her and Jason to carry the name. Not a day goes by where they don't remind the twins of their expectations of them.

"We don't care who you marry, man, woman, alien, black, white, purple, blue. Doesn't matter, as long as you keep the Blossom name alive and never end the bloodline."

"Tones, put in a reservation for next Wednesday." Jason handed Toni the information he acquired from the phone call for her to put in the reservation.

Believe it or not, Blossom Inn was a very popular hotel, despite the confusing reputation the family upheld, the rooms were always maintained tidy and the service was always quick and polite. That being said, they always sold out quickly and today was no different. There were 2 out of 500 rooms available and the teens were exhausted. From complaints and rude customers to needy old people and reckless children, they were stressed and couldn't wait to get out of their scratchy red polo shirts.

"You guys wanna go swimming later?" Toni asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah sure" Cheryl replied

"Customer" Jason called out as a middle aged man walked through the door

"Hey kids, do you have rooms available?"

"Yes sir, we have a non-smoking pet room, which is a double and a single smoking room. We're almost sold out today, I apologize for the lack of rooms."

"It's fine, son. Let me rent the single room. Got no one to share it with." He said as he winked at Cheryl.

"Alright" Toni typed in the man's information, accepted his payment and told him where to go. Brushing off his amateur attempt at flirting with her girlfriend.

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