Bestfriends don't kiss each other's clits? - smut

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My dumbass😈(Cheryl): I'm so wet rn

Pussylicker🙄(Toni): ... ok?

My dumbass 😈: I need help

Pussylicker🙄: then call 1 of ur hoes

My dumbass😈: Toni pls me and u both kno none of them could help me out

Pussylicker🙄: then rub one out yourself

My dumbass😈: Pls Toni, I really need your help

*sent 1 attachment* (Cheryl in panties with a dark wet patch at the crotch)

My dumbass😈: My pussy needs you tonight

Pussylicker🙄: Cher wtf we're not dating??bestfriends remember?

My dumbass😈: it's rlly not that big a deal I've helped you with favors before

Pussylicker🙄: yeah but this is different you're showing me all of you like... that.

My dumbass😈: your contact name is pussylicker, are you going to live up to your title or am I gonna have to get myself off?

Pussylicker🙄: But what will this mean between us? I mean that's such a private thing to do with someone

My dumbass😈: we can talk abt that all you want after you eat my pussy.

My dumbass😈: but right now I really need you. Pls help me?

*2 attachments sent* (her shaved pussy while she sits up in front of the cam, part of her boobs showing) (legs spread, glistening pretty pussy on display)

Pussylicker🙄: fuck you look so good 🤤 I'm otw but what you wanna do when I get there? 😏

Cheryl chuckled at how quick her bestie was to stop protesting and just come over.

My dumbass😈: honestly TT I just want you to fuck me. I've wanted you since freshman fucking year.

Pussylicker🙄: Yeah? How do you want me to fuck your pretty pussy baby?

My dumbass😈: fuck keep talking to me. I want your tongue and your lips. I want you to kiss my clit and bury your head between my legs

Pussylicker🙄: if you taste as good as you look I'll be between your legs for hours 🥴

My dumbass😈: your location is going 80 mph, you speeding for my pussy?

Pussylicker🙄: checking my location? You must want me bad, huh baby?

My dumbass😈: I want you so fucking bad. I want you to eat my pussy til I scream. I want you to flip me over and spank me til it hurts. I want you to pull my hair and fuck me from behind.

Pussylicker🙄: fuck Cheryl. Open the door.

Cheryl jumped up from her bed and sped walked to her front door, she opened it seeing her very hot, very flustered best friend wearing black jeans, her black Gucci belt and a graphic T-Shirt with her chain and rings.

Toni looked the redhead up and down, Cheryl was in a silk robe, only covering her backside. Everything else was on full display.

In a panic, Toni quickly closed the door behind her.

"What's the matter, don't wanna share me?" Cheryl teased, putting her arm around Toni's neck.

"Fuck no." Toni responded, dropping her bookbag and putting her arms on Cheryl's lower back, pulling her into her and looking deep into her eyes.

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