Disrespectful Fiancé - prank

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Toni acts super ungrateful for everything Cheryl's doing and is overall rude to her as a prank.

Toni POV

You already know what time it is. And if you don't, we'll... I'm about to prank my fiancée. I'm gonna be the worst parter ever, make her do all the house chores while I act like I'm super busy, then I'm going to tell her she doesn't know how to treat a woman and that we shouldn't get married... yeah, basically I'm gonna be sleeping on the couch until our wedding day.

But, just a little disclaimer I love Cheryl with my whole heart, I can't wait to marry her and she treats me like a queen so everything I'm about to say is FALSE.

It's the weekend and she didn't have to work so she went out to run errands and should be back soon. I had my chore list like usual.

- Laundry
- Dishes
- Organize the pantry
- Organize my office
- Bathrooms

And she had to,

- Do the floors (mop, sweep, vacuum)
- Clean the bedroom
- Clean the dining room
- Clean the living room.

I'd say a pretty even split every other day... except today, it's too much damn work, I'm too tired I don't feel like doing it. Anyways I already cleaned the bathrooms but that's all I'm going to do.

I sat on the couch and waited for her to get home.

*SpongeBob Narrator voice*
20 minutes later

"Hey babe" Cheryl greeted walking in the front door.

"Hey" I sat up and gave her a kiss on the lips before she ran down the hall.

"Where you going?" I asked, laughing as she dropped all the bags on the ground

"Bathroom!" She always runs to the bathroom after being out like there are no public bathrooms.

"Bathroom looks good babe" she said, while walking out and shaking her hands to get the water off.

"Thanks" I said, wrapping myself in the couch blanket and turning to the TV.

"You finished all your chores?"


"Alright, get up we have to go come on."

"I don't feel like it babe"

"No one feels like cleaning, Toni but we have to, we're adults now."

"Boo" I whined, standing up with the blanket around my shoulders.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the pantry door. I half ass fixed it, pushed the snacks backwards and covered them with boxes of instant rice and things like that. After I "finished" that I started the dishes. I loudly flicked the faucet on and groaned, letting the water run while pouring some soap in it. When the water was ready I dropped the dishes in the sink with a loud clatter.

"You good in there babe?" Cheryl asked from the living room.

"Mmhm" I continued to "wash" the dishes, making a lot of extra noise. I started to aggressively fill the dishwasher when I accidentally broke a glass. Shit. Why is it that every prank I pull ensures me extra punishment.

"If you weren't slamming things so hard that wouldn't have happened" She sassed, throwing some trash away before walking out of the room.

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