"hard to get" - Angst

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Slight smut in the beginning
G!P Toni

Cheryl POV

"S-shit, Toni" I moaned as my sneaky link/enemy fucked me against the bench in the locker room.

"Your pussy is so good" She moaned, gripping my hips.

"I know" I said smugly

"I'm gonna cum" I moaned as my arms gave out. No matter how much I hate to admit it Toni Topaz is actually good for something, that something being fucking me senseless.

After my orgasm washed over me the serpent girl pulled out and took off the cum filled condom.

"Same time, same place, tomorrow?" She asked, pulling up her jeans and smiling at me.

"I'll let you know" I responded, rolling my eyes and pulling up my skirt and walking to the nearest mirror

"I love when you play hard to get" she whispered in my ear, kissing my neck.

I pushed her off of me and walked to my locker in the locker room to fix my makeup.

"Uhm... well it was good as always, Cherry."

"Yeah" I said plainly fixing my lipstick.

"Blot?"she asked cheerfully

"Ummm I'm not kissing you, serpent."
And with that I walked out of the locker room, without saying another word to the serpent girl.

In the Cafeteria
Toni POV

I walked into the cafeteria with a smile on my face, carrying a bouquet of red flowers and a Cherry milkshake from pops.

I walked to Cheryl Blossom and the Vixen's lunch table, getting more and more nervous as I got close to her.

"Hey Cher" I whispered, too quiet for her to even hear.

One of her friends pointed to me and she turned around.

"What?" She snapped, eying me up and down. Not in the way she would when we're alone, but as if she wanted to rip my head off.

"Oh hi, uh I got these for you" I smiled, handing her the flowers. She didn't make an effort to accept them so I just put them beside her on the lunch table.

I could hear the Vixens whispering about me, I could feel eyes burning at my back. Possibly the serpents or Northsiders or the entire school, but that doesn't matter, I'm not turning around. I want to share this moment with Cheryl.

"I know that Cherry milkshakes are your favorite because I listen to what you tell me, unlike your other friends here, which you complain about often-"

"Do you want something... Topaz, is it?"

"Yes you know my name is Topaz, Toni Topaz you've said and moan-"

"Can I help you with something?" She asked, becoming more and more annoyed.

Okay Toni, here's your shot. Don't blow it.

"Cheryl, will you stop playing hard to get and finally be my girlfriend?" I asked with hope in my eyes. I put the milkshake beside her and played with my hands nervously. My cheeks were burning as I smiled looking at her.

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