Making Out - Fluff?

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Cheryl's POV

Her lips are on mine and her hands are rubbing up my thighs, under my skirt. We were sitting up together, kissing. until she laid me down on my back. I only freaked out when I felt her swollen lips on my neck for the first time. I whine and moan at how soft it feels and how hot and bothered I am. Her lips feel so good on me and her hands even better, but I'm seriously not ready for sex.

I just came out as a lesbian and the thought of seeing a girl naked drives me crazy. Plus Toni and I have been dating for less than 4 months, we haven't gotten to know each other enough to be that intimate, to hold each other so close and
let our naked bodies touch. It's far too soon, but she doesn't seem to think so.

"Can I take your skirt off, babe?" She asks softly, looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. Sincerely asking. Damn do I feel bad for wanting to say no but she made it seem like it would be okay if I did. So I was brave enough to speak my mind.

"Actually... I don't want to ya know, have sex yet."

"Oh! Okay that's fine, That's why I asked. Just in case we're not on the same page, which we're not and I'm sorry." She said, taking her hands from my thighs and sitting back upright.

"So uh, what do you wanna watch on TV?" Toni asked awkwardly as she picked up the remote

"T, I'm sorry. I completely ruined the moment, I'm such an idiot."

"No Cher, you're not an idiot, you didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to say yes to me. Ever. Never feel forced to. I never expect a yes from someone but if I get one I know it's okay to keep going. I didn't get a yes from you and that's fine. We're still in high school, not everyone is ready for that. I understand Cher." She said as she rubbed my back then kissed my forehead

"Okay. I thought I was about to lose you, it's so relieving to hear you say I don't have to."

"Of course, babe. Now, what's on TV?"

"T, I still wanna... make out I just don't want to get naked or anything further than maybe shirtless."

Third POV

"Mmm" Toni hummed as she bit her lip, thinking of Cheryl shirtless. Then she cursed herself because of her constant harassment of the female gender, it made her sick. (I'm so not funny but wtv)

"Just to clarify... is it okay if I keep touching you? Over the clothes, of course."

"Yeah that's fine, I actually really like that."

"Perfect" Toni whispered as she leaned back in to kiss Cheryl's swollen lips. They'd been making out of over an hour and it was clear that's what they'd keep doing, making out. Nothing further. And that was perfectly okay for the both of them.

So when Toni laid Cheryl down again so that she was on her back, kissing her deeply while gripping her hips, Cheryl moaned. She moaned and she didn't care because Toni made her feel like it was okay. Toni made her feel comfortable. And Toni encouraged it. So by the time Toni couldn't hold herself up anymore, Cheryl was ready to get on top of her.

She gently pushed her onto her back with a smirk, giggling when Toni Oh'd, surprised.

"This okay right, Topaz?" Cheryl wanted to know, needed to make sure that her sitting on Toni's lap wasn't making her uncomfortable, wasn't too much.

"Hell yes, matter of fact never move off of me again." She whispered as her hands dropped from Cheryl's hips to underneath her thighs when she started kissing her lips. She took charge and now Toni was the one moaning, just from her kisses, from her touches and her love. She was moaning and she didn't care to hide it.

They were both hot and turned on and wet but agreed that it was too soon for that to be taken care of.

Cheryl found herself grabbing Toni's boobs over her lace cropped top, loving how warm and soft they felt. Admiring how curvy and round Toni's tanned chest was.

They pulled away few times to catch their breath, a quick inhale before smashing their lips back together. And when Toni was ready to get back on top, she tried. She lifted her hips up and tried turning them but Cheryl interpreted that differently than intended, she moaned and ground down into Toni. The brunette moaned and put her arms on Cheryl's back, laying her onto her back to control her and herself.

"That was hot." Toni panted

"Agreed, but do we have to stop?"

"Never baby. We never have to stop."

Cheryl smiled and wrapped her arms around Toni's neck, pulling the short girl back into her as she giggled and moaned softly when Toni got handsy again.

She gripped her thighs and her hips, unsure about touching Cheryl's ass over her skirt, Cheryl had enough of the "teasing" and moved Toni's tanned hands to her ass, moaning when she felt Toni slap it gently before jiggling and squeezing it. She was flattered at the way Toni clearly loved her ass.

"I love this... so much" Cheryl said between kisses.

"Making out has never been so perfect." Toni added as she kissed Cheryl's jaw, groaning when she felt warm hands on her stomach, sharp nails gently scratching at her skin.

Cheryl's eyes fluttered shut when Toni made hickeys on her neck. She didn't know that's what she was doing she just knew it felt good, but when she looks in the mirror and sees those four marks, she'll realize what Toni did to her and it'll be hot then too.

"Wow, you're much more experienced than I am." Cheryl said as she held Toni's hands over her breasts.

"I'll teach you everything there is to know baby, whenever you're ready." The pinkette whispered as she kissed Cheryl's forehead.

She giggled when eager hands went right back to her hips, Cheryl was loving roaming her girlfriend's body like this. Getting to know every curve, bump, scar, stretch mark and perfect "imperfection"

They panted into each other's mouths, unable to kiss anymore, they laid side by side. Still touching, still hot and bothered. Still dating. Because Toni didn't flip at the fact they didn't fuck. She was chill, and she cared and she was there for Cheryl and all of her baby gay experiences.

School messed up my beautiful sleep schedule. Now I fall asleep around 10:30 and wake up at like 8:00 AM 😭😭😭 even when I don't have class.

I wanna go back to sleeping at 3 AM until 12 PM 😫😫

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