Spreading The Love - fluff

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Toni and Cheryl really excited that the other said they loved them, they freak out about it with their friends. (They're talking at the same time just in different locations)

T: "She told me she loved me!" Toni shrieked as she grabbed SweetPea by the collar of his leather jacket. He had just walked in her trailer and saw Toni, still in her clothes from her date with her girlfriend, looking like she was on cloud nine.

C: "She said she's in love with me... under the stars, on top of my car." Cheryl said as she laid on her back with her hands interlocked over her stomach, an unbreakable smile plastered across her face. Veronica and Betty on either side of her as she laid in Kevin's lap.

T: "I looked her in the eyes and I whispered it. I whispered the truth about how I feel. I didn't think she heard me until she said it. She said she loves me!"

"Congratulations, T. You deserve it!" Fangs playfully pushed Toni's shoulder and SweePea picked her up, spinning around the enamored girl.

T: "I meant it too. The way she makes me feel, the way she looks at me, her smile, those gorgeous brown eyes, the way she kisses me, touches me... I'm in love with Cheryl Blossom."

C: "She's so perfect. So caring and funny and smart and talented. She's so good to me. So understanding and compassionate. Im head over heels for her and I wouldn't have it any other way."

T: "God dude. She makes me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. She makes me laugh so hard that my belly hurts and thinking about it later makes me chuckle and shake my head."

C:"When I pick up my phone I always want there to be a text from her, and if there isn't I waste no time in sending her one. I'm addicted to her. I crave her all the time."

"When I'm with her it's like magic" (they both said at the same time)

T: "She's so respectful and gentle with me. She's everything I've ever wanted and more."

C: "She makes me feel how I used to feel staying up with my cousins on Christmas Eve. She completes me, and I lover her."

"Holy shit. You've got it bad!" Veronica said as she looked up at Cheryl's face. She had a drunk looking smile on her face, though she was completely sober, she was just thinking about her future wife.

"Damn, T. Sounds like you gotta marry her."

T: "Oh I'm going to. There's no way I love her that much and I'm not going to do shit about it. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, I'll be damned if I let her get away."

C: "I think I want to propose to her."


"Is that totally crazy? I'm committed to her and we've been friends long before lovers. Fuck, she's driving me insane." Cheryl giggled as she gently bit her nails. Cheryl has never bitten her nails.

"Dude she makes me so fucking happy. I make her so fucking happy. We're always fucking smiling and shit. My God, we're in love. We're doing it! We're fucking loving!" SweetPea and Fangs laughed as they watched Toni pace the floors like some kind of mad scientists who finally cracked the code to their equations.

C: "She deserves the best."

T: "I want to give her the life she dreams of."

C: "I'm crazy for her."

T: "I can't get enough of her."

C: "I never thought my first love could be like this. I feel so energized, and... fuzzy. It's like if the new car smell had a feeling."

"We're happy for you Cher-"

"You know, as a matter of fact... do you guys mind if-"

"Go get your woman, Toni!" Fangs yelled as he texted Kevin, smiling as they shared details about the situation they were both experiencing at the same time.

"Thanks guys. I love you!" Toni got on her bike and sped to Thistlehouse.

When she got there, Cheryl was already waiting outside. She ran up to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms tightly around her.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more, my love."

"I'm happy."

"So happy." Toni agreed as she snuggled endlessly closer into Cheryl. Cheryl brought her happiness and made her feel loved. Toni made Cheryl feel perfect, like she didn't have to change to accommodate her needs. They could be themselves around each other. They felt safe and they let their love guide them, day after day.

And of course their friends heard the tea every step of the way. After every first, every argument, every apology gesture and every date night, they were the firsts to know.

If you checked out my new stories, how do you like them so far? I know not much has happened but do they seem like something you'd keep reading? I'm updating at least one of them again today so look out for it!

Have a great day gags 💖

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