Daddy lol - smut

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Cheryl and Toni are pornstars in this Idrk how to explain this... it's a short smut tho
- Toni tops
- daddy kink

"Keep bouncing on it, baby." Toni said, referring to Cheryl riding the dildo she held herself as Toni watched with the camera in her hands.

"Fuck" Cheryl moaned, holding her breasts with her eyes shut bouncing up and down the length of the dildo.

"How does that feel Cherry?"

"It feels good" she responded, looking up at Toni who had the camera pointed at Cheryl's bouncing breasts.

"Yeah?... lean forward a little" Toni walked behind Cheryl and pointed the camera behind her. Showing the way her walls clenched around the wet dildo, sliding up and down.

"Look at that pussy" Toni drooled, fighting the urge to fuck Cheryl herself.

After a while of showing that angle Toni moved around. She stood beside Cheryl and showed the camera the way her back arched and her wide hips sunk up and down.

The brunette got behind Cheryl and flipped the camera to have both of them in the shot. She began kissing on Cheryl's neck, leaving hickeys in obvious spots. After some of the marks Toni had left, she'd wink at the camera. As a tease to the commenters who say how badly they want Cheryl and the people in their personal life she knew watched their videos and were desperate to have Cheryl. Toni stood her ground, asserting her dominance when it came to Cheryl and the redhead loved it.

"Please Toni" Cheryl begged, slowing down her movements on the toy.

"Ride it faster" Toni demanded before kissing her partner's lips.

After a while of making out Cheryl became breathless and more desperate for Toni

"Please" she whispered when Toni pulled away to nip at the skin on Cherry's collarbone

"What do you need baby?" Toni asked, rubbing Cheryl's clit with her free hand.

"I- I need you to fuck me, daddy. Please" She moaned

Cheryl loves the 'nickname' for Toni and so do her viewers. She likes it because she knows it makes Toni feel more dominant, she never asked Cheryl to but once it slipped she never protested or corrected her. She'd smirk and start referring to herself as 'daddy' so it was never a problem.

"Get on all fours with your legs spread for daddy."

"Thank you" Cheryl let out a relieved sigh and followed Toni's instructions.

Cheryl expected Toni to go to the closet and grab the harness to put the dildo in, but was surprised when she didn't feel Toni get off of the bed. And even more surprised when she felt the dildo teasing her entrance.

"No strap on?" Cheryl asked

"Oh trust me baby, my hands work just as good" Toni replied cockily while lining up the dildo. She put the camera back on the stand and making sure they were in frame.

Toni sat on her knees behind Cheryl, one hand on her hip as the other worked it's way into her tight pussy.

Cheryl brought her hands behind her to help spread herself a little, once the dildo was far enough in she pulled one arm back but kept the other hand on Toni's.

"You ready for me to fuck you baby?" Toni asked, kissing Cheryl's back and waiting for a reply.

"Yes, please fuck me daddy" Toni scratched the lower half of Cheryl's back, goosebumps appearing as she made her way to Cheryl's backside.

Starting off with slow thrusts to avoid hurting or overwhelming Cheryl caused Cheryl to let out soft moans. She started to beg for Toni to be rougher and fuck her faster. The brunette happily abided and slammed the dildo in and pulled it out of her wanting girlfriend quickly.

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