Protest Gone Riot

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In case it says age restricted for whatever reason even though I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be educated... the video is called
"40+ New Police Brutality videos emerge during the George Floyd Protests"
In the thumbnail it says "20 minutes of corruption"

Just watch a few of those, you don't have to watch the full 20 minutes but a few could open your eyes. If you don't, at least take the time to read the list I wrote below.

Wikipedia's definition of Police Brutality:
- "Police brutality is the excessive and unwarranted use of force by law enforcement. It is an extreme form of police misconduct or violence and is a civil rights violation. It also refers to a situation where officers exercise undue or excessive force against a person."

A few of the many clips from the video above that pissed me off:

3:30 Woman is sitting and gets maced in the face. But they want a peaceful protest... it can't get much more peaceful than sitting. The road wasn't even being used.

4:09 Cops spray woman who is walking in front of them for seemingly no reason.

4:27 cop pushes a man on the street while the others scream at and continuously push him to the ground.

7:59 "Cop waits in excitement, like it's a game" THIS ONE YOU NEED TO SEE, IT MADE ME BEYOND UPSET

8:30 "Same cop yells 'shut up, bitch' and decides to shoot at protestors" WATCH THIS ONE TOO

8:49 "Cops destroy peaceful protestors supplies"

9:16 NYPD literally drives through a crowd of protesters. Right after that clip an officer uses their car to scare protestors.

12:19 Officers arrest a reporter for reporting. Yep for doing his job after he kindly told them that they didn't want to be in their way and that they could relocate them if necessary. "Do you mind telling me why I'm under arrest sir?" No response. "If you are being arrested, you have the legal right to know why you are being arrested." - Oakley & Oakley Attorneys at Law

12:43 police officer pepper sprays and pushes a black man in the face and then pepper sprays him out of everyone else. The clip right after this you see someone sitting, police clearly think that's not peaceful enough so they kick them.

12:52 a CHILD gets pepper sprayed.

13:52 you see an officer who allegedly pepper sprayed a child covering his badge number with black tape and refuses to speak.

14:15 cops spot peaceful protesters in the street, instead of walking around them they jump on top of and hit them with their shields.

15:01 it appears that a man was speaking to the police and they, I'm pretty sure, tear gassed him. What happened to the freedom of speech? Your first amendment right

16:15 officer two hand shoved a woman on the street.

17:00 just look at the amount of force they used on this one man.

17:50 BLOOD WARNING "went out grocery shopping shot in the head with a rubber bullet"

18:00 Maced? Protesters as they drove through the crowd

19:10 ... Powerful

There was also a clip of an officer with his knee on someone's neck, DURING THE GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS. THATS JUST FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL.

Inspiration for this chapter, ignore my phone crying to be plugged in.

Inspiration for this chapter, ignore my phone crying to be plugged in

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