Punished Little (Mdlg)

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Cheryl's POV

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Cheryl's POV

"Antoinette Topaz, if you're not standing in front of me in the next ten seconds, you're getting a punishment!" I yelled through the house.

Toni has been misbehaving all day. It started this morning when we were getting ready to go out to lunch with our friends.

She decided to take off her pull up on her own and throw it down the stairs, then she ran away from me when I tried putting it on her. Repeatedly calling me "meanie mommy" when I finally caught her I changed her and we were about to walk out of the door when I realized I couldn't find my keys. Long story short, she had hidden them under her bed and had no intention to tell me.

That entire situation led to me taking one of her favorite toys, no sweets and less TV time.

"10... 9... 8...7...6...5...4...3"

"I'm here mommy." She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Do you want to tell me why auntie Ronnie just called and said that you called baby Betty "stinky" a "crybaby" "annoying" and that you "don't like her"

I asked, trying not to show how upset I was at her for insulting my cousin who age regresses like her, except in a younger headspace.

"No." She said, looking toward her feet.

"No what, little girl?"

"No I don't want to tell you"

"Let me rephrase the question. Are you going to tell me why you made Betty cry from all of your mean insults?"

"Fine... I called her names because she hit me."

"She hit you?" I asked, taken back at her answer.

"When did she hit you? I was sitting right next to you at lunch, there was no way she could have hit you without me knowing."

"Well... she didn't hit me but she deserved it!"

"Antoinette. Do you understand that you hurt Betty's feelings? And that you're lying to mommy?" I asked in my dom voice

"Yes mommy" She whispered, realizing how serious I was.

"Do you have a real reason behind calling her names? Or were you feeling bratty today?"

I always ask her if she had a reason like someone offending her first before I punish her. Just in case I don't know the full story.

"I don't have a reason, mommy."

"You know your punishment for lying to mommy right?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Go get the paper and pencil"

I watched Toni drag herself to the home office and come back with paper and a pencil. She sat at the dining table and waited for me to join her.

"Write 'I will not say things to hurt my friends' 35 times and then you're going to call Betty and apologize. Do you understand?"

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