Stetch marks - Fluff

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Toni is ashamed of her stretch marks. (Don't be they are gorgeous and everyone has them, no one should be getting or giving shit to anyone because of them.) Enjoy 😁

Toni's POV:
I just got out of the shower at Cheryl's house,I forgot my clothes in her room so I did that super awkward naked run until I got there. I put on my panties and leggings, I was looking in the mirror as I reached for my bra and saw my stretch marks. They're so ugly. God I wish I had a normal looking body, one that Cheryl would love. I lifted my arm and got closer to the mirror. They're spread across the side of my boobs. I've had them since I was young but I wish they were gone, I've thought of getting surgery but I've never had the money. I took a deep breath and was about to reach for my hoodie until Cheryl came in.

"Shit babe I thought you were in the bathroom" She said closing the door
I quickly put on my hoodie and sighed "You can come back in" I said.
"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to invade your privacy like tha-"

"It's fine Cheryl" I accidentally huffed

"Are you mad at me, I swear I didn't even know you were in here"

"I know baby it's not your fault"

"So why are you upset babygirl?"

"Just my stupid body"

"Girl bye, you're fine and you know it" She said sitting on the bed, pulling me into her lap to straddle her. I sighed not looking into her eyes the way she was trying to look into mine.

"Wait are you being serious, you think your body's stupid?"
I nodded
"Why on earth would you think that?
"Because of these stupid, ugly stretch marks.

"Baby your stretch marks aren't stupid or ugly they're natural and you should embrace them... I like them."
I scoffed
"I do!"
"Yeah right"
"Stand up" she told me. I stood up and she pulled her shirt off leaving her in her bra. She took her bra off and showed me her stretch marks.

"See, natural everyone has them. They're just there they don't make you any less attractive. I love you, all of you. Your stretch marks are a part of your body. Think about it. You have boobs right? Where do you think they got the skin to grow from? Your chest was previously flat so what did you expect, I've never heard of someone who has absolutely 0 stretch marks not even guys... I sound smart so you have to believe me"
I laughed
"You're right, there's no really real reason to not like them they are just there I guess"

"There is the bad bitch mindset"
She said making me laugh again

"Screw all the beauty norms, the first person to say that stretch marks are ugly most likely had them themselves so..."

"You're right" I said unsure.

"Can I see them, your stretch marks?"

"Ummm.. baby I-"
She gave me puppy dog eyes
I started to crack my knuckles nervously.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. If it makes you feel any better I've seen you naked, touched you naked and love you naked."

I blushed and started to take off my hoodie. When I got it over my head I noticed she was staring. I quickly covered myself up.

"Baby..." she said light removing my arms. "You're beautiful, truly one hundred percent"

I started to get teary eyes, no one has ever loved my like this, unconditionally.
She bent down and began to kiss the sides of my boobs, directly on the stretch marks. I've never felt more loved or accepted before than in this moment. I really love this woman. I grabbed her head lightly and pulled her into a kiss.

"I'm so in love with you, Cheryl Blossom"

"I love you Toni Topaz, all of you. Including your beauty marks"

She picked me up and wrapped my legs around her waist.
"Do you feel better now?"
"Yes I do" I smiled
"How do you feel?"

Happy New Year y'all I didn't even bother making any new year resolutions so there are none to break If you think about it.
I hope you liked this cute short. ❤️

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