Ruined Marriage - Angst

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Trigger Warning. Pretty heavy stuff. Idek what to say w/o spoiling it. No self harm or Sexual assault tho. It's a short one shot

"Cheryl, you can't just take off your wedding ring every time we get into an argument!"

"Fuck you, Toni. I'm done, I'm staying at Veronica's" Cheryl responded, rolling her eyes.

"You're going to regret saying that tomorrow, you're gonna come back to me sobbing 'Toni I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said' like you do every time we argue" She said, pretending to be her wife of 2 years.

"Then maybe it's a sign that we shouldn't be together!" Cheryl snapped, grabbing her red duffle bag out of her closet.

"Baby, stop. We love each other, we're meant to be." Toni protested, a feeling of regret and sadness coming to play.

"If we were meant to be why are we always arguing?" The redhead said, stuffing clothes into her duffle bag

"Because you do hurtful things to me on purpose."

"Oh really, like what?" Cheryl asked, a hand on her hip.

"Like when you kissed your boss... yeah, I know about that. But I don't know if you went any further with her. Did you?" Toni asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. She trusted Cheryl but with how she's been acting... she doesn't know what to expect.

"Why does it matter?-"

"Did you sleep with your boss or not?!" Toni yelled, letting her betrayal take over her. Her wife cheated on her and didn't even try to deny it.

"Yes. I slept with her, and she was better than you ever could have been. She cared about how I felt, she didn't do it for her pleasure, she did it for mine. It felt good and I continued to sleep with her. Are you fucking happy now?"

"I can't believe you. No I'm not fucking happy! I'm heartbroken! Cheryl, you're my wife, the love of my life! And you fucking cheated on me?"

The tension in the room only grew as the two women stared at each other, pain and fury in both of their eyes. Toni was enraged with Cheryls actions, and was hurt by her words.

Just then, an awfully timed phone call made Cheryl's phone ring. Toni looked over and saw "Domino's" as the caller ID.

"You fucking whore. Domino's really? That's your boss isn't it?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I'm your wife, Cheryl!"

Toni walked over to Cheryl's phone, snatching it off of the charger on the nightstand and answering it. She immediately put it on mute and speaker phone.

"Greet her" Toni demanded

After unmuting the phone, Cheryl said 'hey' in a flirtatious tone. Toni's blood boiled as she heard the woman she'd been loyal to speak to someone else the way she does to herself.

"Hey Cherry, is your bitch still around? I thought you were coming over half an hour ago." Said the woman, in a low meant-to-be-sexy voice.

The brunette gritted her teeth at the term 'your bitch' but didn't say anything. She wanted to witness this for herself, to see if Cheryl held back even the slightest. If there was even a sliver of hope they could use to fix their relationship.

"I know, I know. I just got caught up with work and..."

"Your marriage" Toni thought as she rolled her eyes

"... stuff"

"If I'm overworking you let me know, I'll split the work in half and double your pay if that's what you need, baby. You know I got you."

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