Im sickie - Fluff

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Toni is sickie (Not Corona tho) and Cheryl takes care of her.

It's Saturday morning and I haven't talked to Toni since last night when she was complaining about a headache. I've called and texted her but got no response. On one hand I'm nervous that she lied about the headache and today is hanging out with another girl/guy or fighting in that gang. But on the other hand I'm worried that she's severely dehydrated lying on the ground.

                       10:00 A.M
Goddess 👑👩‍🦰🥰:Good morning baby girl ❤️

Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: You still sick?

                      12:37 P.M
Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: You up yet?

                       1:33 P.M
Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: Can I come over?

My world 🌎❤️: Sorry. ,Cher I just woke uP

Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: It's ok baby, do you feel better now?

My world🌎❤️: Not reaLlyx I'm swinting and my head hurts I can't type correcly.

Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: Can I come over?

My world🌎❤️: No babe I think I have the flu

Goddess👑👩‍🦰🥰: Exactly why I should come over to take care of you

After a while of going back and forth on why I should come over Toni stopped responding so she either fell asleep or got tired of me. Either way she should have someone to take care of her. She doesn't go grocery shopping so I know she's hungry, and needs medicine. I went to the grocery store, the pharmacy and then pops. I parked my car and walked into Toni's trailer.

I started to put the groceries away  leaving out a Gatorade, water and medicine. I walked to Toni's room to see her asleep with her phone on the ground, her hand hanging off the bed with a pillow over her bare stomach. All the covers were kicked in the ground, she probably has a fever and maybe chills too. I walked over to the fan and turned it on.
"Wake up pleasee"
I said shaking her
"Nooo I'm tired"
"I got popssss" I sang
She jumped out of bed quickly, slowly making her way to the kitchen. She started wobbling and grabbing onto the wall.
"I got you baby relax"
I grabbed her arm off the wall and turned her into my chest.
She jumped into my arms and I carried her back to her bed, I brought the food into her room and she started eating.

We were watching a show on my laptop when Toni started to cough uncontrollably. I rubbed and patted her back as I held her arm up. She started to cough more and this time phlegm (like mucus stuff) came up. I ran into the bathroom to grab a roll of toilet paper. I came back, she spit it out and we went back to cuddling. She fell asleep and I got up to cook dinner.


"Yes baby"

"Why are you leavinggg?" She pouted

"I'm gonna go cook"

"Nooo, stay here with meeee"

"I'll be right back babe"
She looked away and started making weird faces.

"Please don't have an attitude I'm just going to make din-"

Before I could finish she got up and ran to the bathroom. I went to check up on her but she locked the door.

"TT, open up pleaseee"

"Hang on a minute, I made a mess."

"Let me help you"

"No it's ok I just need-" she threw up some more.

"Babe come on"

"You can't be mad though, ok because I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to"

"Toni I-" I took a deep breath "I love you, open the door I won't be mad, ok?"

She slowly opened the door with tears streaming down her face I looked down and saw that she threw up on the front of my hoodie.

"I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one, I'll get the mon-" she ran back to the toilet. And I held her hair back

"I'll get the money and everything"

I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty grossed out right now but Toni is my baby so I'm not upset.

"It's ok I have plenty more, and I'll give you another one of mine."

"Pre- worn, w-with extra perfume?..."
I nodded
"you really know the way to a girls heart"

I laughed and kissed the top of her head. After I pulled the hoodie over her head and threw it into the bathtub, both to be cleaned later.
As Toni brushed her teeth I went to get her a Gatorade. Right when I opened the fridge I heard a thump. Oh shit.
I ran over to see her laid out across the hallway floor.
I carefully picked her up and brought her back into her room. She woke up and kept apologizing. I told her it was ok and walked her back to the bathroom where I helped her brush her teeth.
Then I brought her into the living room while I cooked dinner.
"I'm coooldddd"
I brought her a blanket.
"I'm hotttt"
She started to have another cough attack and I brought her a bucket with a plastic bag in it. And started patting her back.

"I'm hungry again"
I went back to cooking and saw that Toni was asleep.

After we ate me and Toni took her pills we sat in the living room watching TV and cuddling
"Thank you for coming over my love"
"Of course baby I love you."
The rest of the night was filled with kisses and cuddles

Sorry this was short but I'm working on another one shot right now it's smut. Or should I post another one that's an angsty/fluffy. I'll hopefully have both up by tomorrow night/afternoon. Leave suggestions. See ya ✌️

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