Convinience Store - Smut

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⚠️Smut⚠️- Toni intersex - Slight papí kink (daddy in Spanish)- public fucking

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- Toni intersex
- Slight papí kink (daddy in Spanish)
- public fucking

"Alright Cherry, I'm heading out now"

"Bye Justin" Cheryl waved as she spun around in an office chair "Have a good night" she added, picking at her nails.

"It'd be a lot better if you were coming home with me" He said as he stopped by the door and looked Cheryl up and down.

Cheryl looked back at the blonde boy, looking into his green eyes she said, "Maybe next time, handsome." With a wink

The boy smiled, mentally giving himself a high five as he picked up his lunch bag and left the building, saying goodbye to Cheryl's girlfriend on the way out.

Toni was at the register, pretending to count money while she was secretly listening to her girlfriend flirt with their coworker. She rolled her eyes and closed the register. Toni was about to start cleaning when an idea came to mind.

"Hey Cher, would you mind locking up real quick? I gotta pee."

"Sure, babe." Cheryl spit out her gum on the way to do what Toni asked. Toni went to the bathroom so that Cheryl wouldn't see the boner in her pants, caused by her dirty thoughts from moments prior.

When she heard Cheryl humming "she's working at the pyramid tonight" at the door she came out of the bathroom and bit her lip at the sight of her girlfriend's ass in her jeans.

Cheryl's POV

I was locking the glass door to the shop, looking into the darkness of the night, when I heard Toni walk behind me. I didn't think much of it as she was probably restocking the aisles, until I felt her suddenly pulling down my pants. Before I could even look back I felt her thick cock between my legs. With one quick stroke, her entire length was inside of me and my hands flew to the glass door.

I gasped, inhaling sharply at how big she was. "Toni, the cameras" I reminded, looking up at the security cameras.

"Shh, baby. Just let me fuck you" she whispered against my neck, goosebumps appearing as she did so.

"In the store, papi?"

Third Person POV

Toni only responded with a deep groan, loving the way Cheryl felt around her. Cheryl knew the brunette had made her mind up and that there was no point in protesting, not that she would anyways.

Toni put her hands on Cheryl's shoulders as she slowly thrusted into her, her legs spread to get a deeper stroke.

Cheryl pressed her forehead against the glass door, her mouth hung open at the way Toni's dick spread her tight walls.

Toni pulled the bottom of Cheryl's polo uniform shirt up to see her ass as she backed into her crotch, fucking herself on Toni's dick in their workplace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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