Imperfect Family - Fluff/Angst

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"Am I too late?" Cheryl asked as she set down her briefcase next to her daughter's bedroom door.

"What do you think, Cheryl?" Toni sighed as she carefully got out of Zuri's bed. She had accidentally fallen asleep with her at bed time.

"I mean seriously, where the hell have you been?"

"TT, I'm sorry. I got held up at the office, I checked the clock and it was 12 PM and the next it was 8."

"What about Zuri? Huh? What about your daughter's birthday?"

Cheryl sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Come on, baby. You know I'd never do anything like this on purpose."

"Do I know that? Last week you missed her recital, before that your mother-in-law's 54th birthday."

"I know TT, I'm sorry for that too-"

"Are you, Cheryl? Because you can say you are and keep doing the same old shit. You always have, and you know how much I hate it." Toni tried to walk past Cheryl in the doorframe but the redhead gently grabbed her wife's hand and turned her around.


"I can't look at you right now."

"I'm sorry-" Toni snatched her hand away from Cheryl and wiped the tears that slowly fell down her tan cheeks.

Her wife missed her daughter's 8th birthday. She'd been gone all day, working as always. She served breakfast at 8 AM and came home 12 hours later, the day was over. Zuri wouldn't remember seeing her mother on her birthday.

"You're turning into the parent you said you'd never be." Cheryl looked down at Toni, she knew she was right but it still hurt to hear. It hurt to realize that she wasn't being as present as she should be in her daughter's childhood. She was, in fact, turning into the parent she swore to never be.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-"

"No, you're right. I get it." Cheryl held back tears as she stood in silence, listening to her wife's quiet sniffles and watching as her daughter slept peacefully in bed.

"I didn't even wish her a happy birthday" she whispered to herself. She caught a glimpse of the clock on Zuri's nightstand. It was only 8:37, the day wasn't over for another 3 hours and 23 minutes. She still had time.

Cheryl took a step into Zuri's room, turning on the lamp beside her bed.

"Babygirl, wake up. Mommy's home."

"Cheryl what are you doing? It's past her bedtime."

"Mommy?" Cheryl lifted Zuri out of bed and into her arms.

"I missed you today, baby."

"I missed you too mommy" Zuri yawned as she hid her head in her mother's neck.

"I'm sleepy"

"I know baby, mommy wants to tell you something she couldn't tell you earlier."

Zuri moved her head back and looked at her mom properly.

"Happy birthday, my love." Zuri kissed her mother's forehead and rested her small hands on either side of her face.

"Thank you mommy."

"Hey, what do you say we go out and get some ice cream, my treat."

"I think mama would flip"

"Oh I don't think she'll have much of a problem with it, baby." Cheryl quickly glanced at Toni who seemed entranced with the way her wife held and cared for their daughter. She loved that she could recognize a mistake and try to fix it as best she could.

"Okay, let's go!" Cheryl put Zuri down and they both ran out of the room, the eight year old ran to find Cheryl's keys while the redhead was pulled back by her wife.

"Babe, I know I-" She was cut off by gentle lips on her own. Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's neck and kissed her passionately. Cheryl put her hands on her wife's hips and gave back the same energy.

"I love you, Cheryl Blossom"

"I love you more, Antoinette Blossom."

"And I love you, Ms. Zuri Blossom" Cheryl said as she turned around and picked up a pouting eight year old. Zuri always loved attention and kisses from mommy.

"I could never forget you my little Princess. Now let's go get milkshakes!"

The rest of the night was spent as a family. The three of them had created a core memory, one that Zuri will never forget. Getting ice cream with her moms at 9 PM in her PJ's.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I really haven't had time between all of my extracurriculars, including basketball practice every day and games twice a week. Plus having other in and out of school events while trying to maintain a social life and having all A's. AHHHH that sounds like so much and it really is... so bare with me okay? Winter break should allow me more free time if I can find motivation.

I missed you guys so much though lmao, some crazy shit has been going on with my crush since the last time I told y'all abt her...

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