Hard to get (2) - angst?

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I personally liked the other part being the only part but y'all wanted a part 2 and I delivered.

Cheryl POV

First day of senior year...

AN: "You know, I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself, what happened?"

ALSO I had this idea to make a book where the riverdale characters are the Heathers characters and it's a Choni love story... you can tell I was bored

I literally have so many story ideas sitting in my drafts...


Cheryl POV
First day of senior year...

Another year of having to see her everyday... Wishing I hadn't broken her heart and that she'd be her adorable self and try to kiss me in the hallways or hold my hand after a hookup or even so little as smile at me. But she won't, and I miss her.

Now I'm back to hiding my feelings from everyone, not even being able to show the slightest bit of vulnerability like I could when I was around her. I have to go back and be the Cheryl Blossom everyone knows and fears me as. I don't want people to fear me I just want a friend, a real one. Not Midge, Bridgette or Jessica, none of those bitches. The only true one I had was Toni.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair, grabbing my car keys and walking out of my house. My mother had gone to work as well as my father, leaving me at home with no 'good luck on your first day, I know it's your last year of high school sweetheart but don't worry, you'll do great' or so I hear people's parents say to them.

I got in my Cherry red impala and drove to Starbucks. After ordering a chocolate chip croissants and a latte I drove to Riverdale High.

I parked my car, fixed my lipstick and skirt before walking inside.

Making my way to the student lounge I received many looks, some of envy, hate, want and fear. I internally sighed and kept my head up, looking back at them and strutting my way through the halls, claiming my HBIC status.

I sat on the red couch, my usual possy joining by my side.

"Did you hear Emily Dickinson got pregnant over the summer?" Bridgette asked, chewing her gum loudly

"Haha! It sounds like she had too much dick and is gonna have a son because of it" Jessica said, trying to be clever with word play

"Okay but did you hear about Veronica Lodge and Toni Topaz dating?"

"Pardon me?" I said, suddenly interested in the conversation

"Oh yeah, I heard from Damien who heard from Brittany who heard from Daniel who read on Twitter that Veronica and Toni were dating."

"And who tweeted that?" I asked, afraid to even hear the answer

"Oh yeah, Heather... who heard from Jesse who heard from Bella who heard from Fangs"

"So Fangs said it? Fangs said Veronica and Toni are an item?" I asked, feeling slightly betrayed.

"Yeah" Jessica said, chewing her gum while looking at her nails

"Right... okay." I sunk into the couch and stared at the wall ahead of me.

I couldn't believe Toni would date Veronica. I mean, I know she wouldn't come back to me no matter how many late night booty calls she'd receive from me but I never thought she'd date someone we both hate.

I heard people whispering and gossiping behind me as I heard what sounded like heels clacking. I assumed it was Veronica making her entrance for the day but when I turned around I saw Toni.

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