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I change my hallway routes to see her.

I think about her 24/7, though I doubt she thinks of me.

When we text I smile and find myself blushing.

When I think of her I bite my lip.

When she gives me attention I feel all giddy and wish she'd never stop.

I always want her around me.

I always want to see her.

Want her close to me.

I wish we ate lunch together so I could hear her voice, her laugh.

I forget how to speak when she talks to me.

When she looks at me my heart races.

I sweat when I say anything risky to her.

And I feel like that bitch when I make her blush or even laugh.

I want to take her to homecoming, even though it's so far away.

I bring her candy and leave it in her locker. I watch her from down the hall as she opens her locker and smiles while grabbing her books, and the candy. KitKats, her favorite.

We don't have classes together anymore, thanks to her schedule change. That doesn't stop her from lingering in my mind in every class I have.

Thinking about how she'd react to an assignment's requirements.

Thinking of the jokes we'd make and the laughs we'd share.

God, just last week we had a free period and met up. I had the best time of my life. She was so giggly, so flirty, so smiley and so charismatic.

She looked at me like she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. Multiple times, she stared into my eyes without saying a word. I offered her candy, she declined but looked into my eyes and wrapped her arms around me, softly hugging me. I was surprised and didn't move, like a dumbass. But my heart pounded out of my chest and I forgot what words were.

I couldn't get her off of my mind that weekend. I thought about her every two minutes, doubting she even remembered the piggy back ride, the flirting or the fake fight we had.

I doubt she noticed the way she led me on, or the way she made me swoon for her.

That weekend I felt bold enough to tell her how I felt, holding back some.

"I had such a great time with you guys this weekend"
"It was so much fun"

Yeah, we were with friends, though I was focusing on her.

She responded,

"I've been thinking of you like all weekend"

I blushed and I kicked my feet and I smiled. Immediately texting my best-friend of the good news.

It felt good that I was talking about our entire friend group and she immediately thought of me.

We only got closer from there. We picked on each other, laughed and played. But now she showed me more attention, she wasn't shy around me nor was I around her. We were starting to become friends.

A part of me hurt from being in the friend zone but every other part of me was grateful to be this close to her.

I know she's insecure. I know she has trust issues. I just want to show her how good love can feel. How right she deserves to be treated.

I think of her and she might think of me.

She's talked about hanging out with just me outside of our friend group before. But I don't know if it's because we're friends or if it's a date. I'm too scared to ask.

All I know is that I want her to be my girlfriend.

And she makes me want her all the more when she says she'll come to my basketball games, when she hypes me up for being team captain. When she hugs me or makes me cute crafts.

So I continue changing my hallway routes to see her, purposefully slowing down or speeding up my steps to have even a short conversation with her.

I keep being on the verge of tardy to my classes just to joke around and hear her voice.

Maybe one day, if I'm lucky, I'll hear her voice, asking me

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

This is based off of my irl crush and I. Now you all know how much of a hopeless gay I am😪😪

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