Drunk Mrs.Topaz - fluff

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Friends making fun of drunk comments goes a long way

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Friends making fun of drunk comments goes a long way.

And in Cheryl's case, it went on for years until it became true.

"Wait guysss, I'm gonna wanna I'm gonna be Mrs. Topaz." Cheryl slurred as she laid on Kevin's shoulder

"Oh really?" Veronica teased over the loud music at the bar.

"Mrs. Cheryl Topaz" Cheryl said as she looked at Toni with droopy heart eyes.

Toni gave her an endearing smile but gasped when Cheryl literally jumped onto her lap, clinging onto her girlfriend's shoulders.

"Will you make me Mrs. Cheryl Topaz one day, TT?"

"Whatever you want, mama" The brunette said as she squeezed Cheryl's hips.

Although Cheryl doesn't remember much of that conversation, she does remember feeling her heart flutter and her cheeks hurting from smiling so much. So when her friends walk past her on the college campus greeting her with a "Hello Mrs. Topaz" as they laugh and walk to their class, Cheryl is confused for only seconds before realizing what they mean.

Just like in class when they "correct" the professor after he calls Cheryl Ms. Blossom

"Hey Mr. Robinson, you probably didn't know but her name is Mrs. Topaz"
Veronica says as she holds back a laugh.

Toni blushes as the professor looks between her and Cheryl, knowing Topaz wasn't actually her last name. He smirked as he connected the dots and started to call her Mrs. Topaz.

Kevin takes the 3 girls out for lunch and makes sure Cheryl's order is under Mrs. Topaz.

Toni makes sure the door dash delivery driver writes a note that says "from Mrs. Topaz to Mrs. Topaz <3" the driver smiles at the stranger's requests, writes it on the back of the receipt and leaves it on Cheryl's doorstep.

Even before they're married, Toni gets them matching custom necklaces that say "Topaz" on them with a Cherry Topaz jewel. Cheryl nearly cries as she hugs Toni tightly.

Tell me this isn't the best thing you've ever seen

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Tell me this isn't the best thing you've ever seen. I looked up "Topaz" and I didn't even know this was a really thing 😫😫😫 it says 'Cherry Topaz' if you can't tell.

Cheryl finds herself writing love notes to Toni, signing them 'future Mrs. Topaz'

Your eyes sparkle just like Topaz. The name I'll share with you come time.

- Future Mrs. Topaz 💋

The redhead rarely gets called "Ms. Blossom" hell, she barely gets called "Cheryl" anymore.

Toni watches over Cheryls shoulder as she practices her signature in beautiful cursive while they're in class.

Mrs Cheryl Topaz xoxo

As soon as they graduate and as soon as Toni can afford to put a ring on it, she does.

And the redhead is officially Mrs. Cheryl Topaz, proud wife of Mrs. Toni Topaz who's just as proud to have a woman sharing her name, a woman who she loves more than any one and anything. The woman she married.

Mrs. Cheryl Topaz

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