Her Soul - Sad Fluff

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⚠️TW: Death/ Suicide⚠️

What used to be recognized as a day of celebration is now known as a day of grieving. Over the loss of Cheryl Blossom. On April 27th, the young woman's birthday, her fiancée; Antoinette was heartbroken. The hand she used to hold was now no longer. And the woman she planned to grow old with, was long gone. Forever.

Cheryl always held a special spot in her heart, but now that very place feels like it's been ripped out of her. And with no control over the situation, Toni cries. With her knees tucked tightly into her chest and Cheryl's red sweatshirt keeping her body warm. It was always a little big on the short girl but comfortable none the less.

Cheryl had been gone for three years now, but the pain was as insufferable as ever.

Everything seemed to remind Toni of her late fiancée. Hell anything that was the color red reminded Toni of her intense love for Cheryl.

The redhead unfortunately let her thoughts get the better of her including what peoples opinions were of her. Though most teens face stress, Cheryl faced ten times as much as the average teen could imagine.

On top of having perfect attendance and a 4.3 GPA, Cheryl Blossom was a part of- the captain of an all star cheer team. One that met 5/7 days a week on top of schoolwork, honors classes, exams, projects, and applying for colleges. Not only that, Cheryl was a member of the yearbook committee, color guard, had a summer job and was expected to live up to the Blossom legacy.

Hell, even behind the Blossom legacy were generations worth of trauma to unpack, starting but not ending with the murder of her twin brother and the related suicide of her father. This was tough on a 17 year old girl. She couldn't take it anymore and resorted to what she knew. Toni blamed herself for this every. single. day.

Not a day goes by where Toni doesn't think of what she could've done to make Cheryl stay. If there was anything she could have done to make Cheryl win her battle. She was her soulmate for crying out loud, they were engaged, even. Yet Toni let the warning signs slip right past her.

She grabbed the bottle of the strongest alcohol she could find and chugged away. Toni wiped her tears and sobbed, listening to her and Cheryl's song.

Bullet by Ann Marr was blasting through the speakers in her home. Toni had been crying for so long her eyes were puffy and she couldn't see straight. She was choking on her own tears as she fumbled over herself from being so drunk. Her phone chimed, again and again. But she ignored it and slammed the bottle on the counter.

With wide arms she looked to the sky,
"I miss you, Cher. So fucking bad. I wish you were here. I wish... I wish you would've- could've stayed. You deserved so much better."

"We could have had that huge wedding you always dreamed of. The ring you always deserved. The family you would've loved."

"Hmm, funny how the love of your life dies and you become a poet, huh?"

T, Cheryl wouldn't want this. Please take better care of yourself.

Toni flipped off the cameras in her home that SweetPea had access to and continued swaying side to side, pretending her love was holding her and was never letting go ever again.

The last time Toni saw Cheryl alive, she seemed fine. And that's what scared Toni the most. Toni had just dropped her fiancée off at home after Vixens practice, yes they were engaged in high school. True love drove them both into doing crazy things that they never even would've dreamed of. That same night, she got a call from poor old Nana Rose.

"No, no, no. You're lying. You're fucking lying to me, I know it! I- I can't lose her, she's... she means everything to me."

"I love you Cher. I love you so, so fucking much. And I know- know that you wouldn't want this for me but I did what I promised I would! I got our dream home, our cat. Now I'm just missing you and-and our mini us's." Toni wiped her tears as she fake conversed with Cheryl.

"God Baby, I wish I could see you again. I wish I could hold you in my arms and rub your back. I wish I could give you those piggy back rides and plan to bring you your favorite snacks to school. I wish I could ask you to homecoming again."

Right as Toni was about to chug her alcohol again, she heard her cat meowing at her feet. She looked down and saw Cherry at her feet, cuddling up to her legs.

"Come here, babygirl." Toni picked up her one source of happiness and held the kitten close to her chest, right next to where Cheryl's ashes hung on her necklace.

"I'm never getting over you, my love. Ever." Toni walked over to her couch and sat down, letting Cherry go. But the kitten jumped onto the head of the couch and onto Toni's shoulders.

"Get down, Cherry." Toni sniffled as she picked at her fingers and let her tears fall down her face solemnly.

Cherry continued to cling onto Toni's back, purring against her. For a moment the gesture reminded Toni of,

"Cheryl?" Toni couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. Her brain knew there was no way her cat was her late fiancée, but her heart wanted it to be true so bad.

Cherry purred louder and climbed higher onto Toni's back. Every day, at the end of school Toni would give Cheryl a piggy back ride to her car.

"Baby?" Cherry purred once again and meowed in Toni's ear.

"There's no way." Toni gasped as she fell into another fit of sobs and coughs. Cherry moved off of her back and into her lap.

"Oh God. I hope you know how much I miss you. I cherished the days we spent together and I still do. I always will, my beautiful girl." Toni held onto Cheryl's ashes as she petted Cherry. A sad smile crept on her face when the curtains shifted ever so slightly back and forth in the breeze. There was no wind that night. It didn't happen to any other curtains in the room. Cheryl did it. And Toni knew it.

Toni and Cheryl used to be inseparable, but the brunette can only blame herself so much for what happened. She can only mourn her loss for so long before she has to accept what happened.

Every night isn't as dark as that one, but every once in a while Toni puts on Cheryl's clothes and surrounds herself with pillows to get the effect that Cheryl's still here.

The young woman is gone. But her soul lives on.

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