Threesome Prank - some smut

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"I want a threesome" Toni confessed as she climbed into bed next to her wife.

"Oh yeah? We could make that happen" the redhead responded, not even twice about Toni's suggestion.

"...with a man"

Cheryl practically chokes on her wheat thins. "Babe, I'm a lesbian remember?"

"Of course I remember babe, but don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy seeing me being fucked."

"You can be fucked by a woman too babe, I know a perfect candidate." Cheryl said slowly as she crawled on top of Toni's lap, slightly pushing her chest to get her to lay back on the pillows. Tan hands came up to caress her wife's thighs before resting on her hips.

"Yeah. But what about this guy? Can't say he's not hot" Toni said, shoving her phone in Cheryl's face to show her an instagram post of a shirtless man.

"Um, I see that he's... fit if anything but I'm not attracted to him or any other man for that matter. Also, why are you looking at shirtless men and calling them hot while we're together."

"Cher, think of it like this, he touches me and I touch on you-"

"Absolutely not. Toni I don't want a man in my bed at all, how about a woman? You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Well yeah but this guy.. well he... he turns me on. And he wants me. And I may have promised that we could hook up but only if it was okay with you"

"That's the craziest thing I've heard all week, my answer is no." Cheryl stated, rolling off of Toni and back onto her own side of the bed.

"Baby" Toni said when Cheryl turned her back on her, scrolling angrily though social media.




"Don't call me that. Go to bed, Toni."

"Cheryl you were just trying to make love to me two minutes ago and now you're upset for no reason."

"No reason? Toni you're being ridiculous. I get that you swing both ways but I don't, that's not fair to me."

"Cheryl, seriously just suck it up"

Cheryl whipped her head back around toward her wife and resisted every urge to yell about how much that comment offended her and ultimately ruin the night for the both of them. Instead, she took a deep breath. Laughing, she said,

"I love you. I'm willing to try new things with you. But I'm not just going to sit here and listen to you disrespect me and request things of me that I don't want. I said no. And that's my final answer."

"Cheryl, come onnn. Please!" Toni was now hovering over her wife, begging and pleading for her to agree to Toni's idea.

"God dammit Toni. If you wanna sleep with a man so badly, get out of my bed and go find one!" The redhead turned her back on her wife once again and cut off her lamp, signaling that she was officially done with the conversation and ready for bed.

"Okay babe, I'm sorry for pushing. But will you please turn back around?"

"Mmm no"

Toni put her hand gently on her wife's shoulder and kissed her temple in attempts to lighten the mood.

"Get the fuck off of me Toni."

"Watch your mouth, what the hell."

"Suck it up."

"Okay come on you're being unfair." Toni got out of bed and walked over to Cheryl's side, turning her bedside lamp back on.

"Babe stop it, I love you. I'm sorry for pushing."

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