Jealousy - Angst+Smut

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⚠️ Intersex Smut ⚠️

Cheryl, this is ridiculous. I mean seriously, what are we even fighting over?"

"What are we even fighting over? Wow I really didn't think you could be so insensitive!"

"Insensitive? Really? You're the one who blew my phone up with damn near 20 messages just to ask where I was, when I clearly said I was with the boys."

"Well I was worried about you. I forgot you were going with them tonight." Cheryl slowly walked up to Toni, wrapping herself in her robe.

"No. Get off of me. You do this every time. You're so damn manipulative." Toni pushed Cheryl away from her neck to stop her kisses which, as always, would lead to them having sex and forgetting about the problem at hand.

"I know, I'm sorry. We just do it so often it's become normal."

"I know, and that's not healthy. That's why it think we should go on a break."

"Excuse me? No. I don't want that."

"Now who's being insensitive?" Toni said calmly, a fed up expression on her face and her hands in her pockets adding on to her "I don't give a fuck anymore" attitude.

"I see what happens on TV. The characters go on a "break" and later break up. I don't want that for us"

"And I don't want this for us, the arguing over nothing and assigning blame. I just think we need a while to like, take a breather from our relationship. We should take a step back from each other, look at how other couples communicate and try incorporating that into our relationship."

"But for how long?"

"Just for this week, babe. Can you make it through the week?"

Narrator's POV

No. Cheryl could not in fact make it through the week. The agreement was made on Sunday and would end the next Sunday. But before Wednesday could even roll around, Cheryl was furious with Toni.

Toni was taking all of her things from Cheryl's apartment. From her clothes to her decorative posters. If it was only a week why the fuck would Toni be moving all the way out? To be petty, is why. And Cheryl knew this. So she came up with a scheme to get Toni to forget about her plan and refocus on Cheryl.

She decided to make Toni jealous because she knew how her girlfriend acted whenever she became envious of the people Cheryl was around. Cheryl was well aware Toni wouldn't be able to resist and would come back to her, resulting in them having amazing jealousy sex that lasted from night way into the morning. Like they always did.

So she threw a party.

A big ass party with hella alcohol.

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