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-Toni G!P
-Rough sex
-Slap kink
-Slight daddy kink
-maybe something else I got carried away 😁

Cheryl POV:

Toni was arrested 60 days ago for a dumb ass misdemeanor. Apparently they "saw her on camera" but the girl in the video was like 6'0 and my TT is only 5'7. They tried to charge me too because I was the same height as the girl (5'5) but she wasn't a red head. She gets out today I know she will have missed her family and friends so I'm throwing a surprise party for her

I just pulled up to the jailhouse and I'm waiting for her to walk out
I hear a buzzer and see a guard walk out with my beautiful girlfriend beside her. Abs. I mean, what? Abs. I can see her abs her shirt is ripped from when they arrested her. She was "resisting" so they had to apply force or whatever. Damn I missed her. Her cuddles, her kisses, the way she fucked me, damn.

Toni POV:
This guard is taking the cuffs off of me and I'm just staring at Cheryl.
I'm incredibly sexually frustrated I just want to grab her, pin her down and make her scream. The gate opens and she runs up to me. I immediately kiss her passionately, in this moment I started to feel a wave of lust go over me. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up. I took her to the car, opened her door and set her down. I walked over to the passenger side and grabbed her thigh again. She reaches for her phone and starts to text in a group chat.

"No more party, go home. Let Betty take Nana Rose to hers."
And drives us home, to Thistle house.

Cheryl POV:

We just arrived at thistle house and there are no cars outside. Perfect, they got the hint.
I turn around and see Toni closing the door as soon as it's locked I pull her into a sloppy kiss. I start to pull off her shirt and she lifts me up again she takes me up to our bedroom, she slams the door shut and throws me on the bed. I'm finally going to get laid. Of course I've been loyal to Toni I love her and I've been a good girl and haven't touched myself. No matter how much I wanted to I couldn't bring myself to do it. I start to take my clothes off but before I can Toni comes and literally rips my shirt in half, it's good to know I have this effect on her.

"You're beautiful Cher"
She says as she starts to kiss my boobs I undo her pants and she pulls them off leaving her in her boxers and bra. I run my hand up and down her abs, one of them have my initials tattooed. I asked her not to do it but she did anyway. She lifts her head from between my boobs.
"I missed you baby"
"I missed you too"
She started to kiss down my stomach.

"Please Toni just ruin me!"
She growled lowly and pulled my skirt off, leaving me in my black lace panties while I unhooked my matching black bra.

"You're soaked Cher"

I reached my hand in her boxers and began to rub her cock.

It was twitching and she started to sit down properly. I took her boxers off and started to give her a handjob.

After a while I pushed my boobs together and let her thrust up into them. Suddenly she grabbed my throat and pushed me over the bed.

"I know you've been waiting Toni, don't hold back. I know the safe word"

She turned me on my side and kissed me passionately before holding one side of my face and slapping me. Yes. I have a slap kink. And so does she.
I see her reach to grab a condom
She slides into me and we both let out load moans. She firmly grabs my hips and begins to thrust Toni's like 10 inches and she fills me up sooo good. She starts to go faster.

"I want you so bad Cherry"
"Do whatever you want to me"
She groans and continues to fuck me.
"Oh harder baby!" I moan
She slaps my ass and continues to pound into me grabbing my hips and pushing them all the way down into her crotch.

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