Alien Abduction - umm fluff?

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Cheryl gets abducted by an alien...

I was walking to my dorm while eating my fruit loops after getting out of my classes for the day when I saw blue lights beaming above of me.

"Woah! Hey! My fruit loops!" I screamed, feeling my body lifting off of the ground

"What the hell?" I whispered looking around and seeing I was higher up than the trees.

"Hey! Is this one of those alien abductions, like out of the movies?"

"If so this is taking a looooongggg time" I said, looking at my dangling feet in the air

"Oh shiiiiiiiiiitt!" I had just gotten sucked up into an alien spacecraft. I mean it's not the worst thing ever but WHY THE HELL ARE THERE ALIENS IN RIVERDALE? WAS 2 SERIAL KILLERS NOT ENOUGH??

I felt my body get dropped on a hard surface. That was until I started floating around

"Hello? Is anybody here? I'm kinda just floating and- MY FRUIT LOOPS!" I screamed, reaching for my dry cereal that was floating around beside me, I swam over and ate them out of the air.

I heard someone groan before I hit the ground again.

"Ya know, a warning would have been nice." I said, standing up and fixing my hair.

"Wlrrbb yoriikida naseephe?"

"Ummm, gesundheit?" I said, turning in a 360 motion only to find that I was in the room alone.

"Okay this is some freaky shit. And not in a good way. I'm just gonna-" I said before I bolted back to the way I came

"Duagutb duapel thriiiip!"

"What the fuck does that even mean?" I asked, slamming my fists on the floor after trying to pry open the entrance that I came through.

Before I could hit it again it opened and I fell through.

"Shit! No! Help please!" I screamed as I held on for dear life, looking down and seeing I was wayyyyy high up in the air.

"Srupivg huandons" I heard it say with sass

"Hey! That's offensive!" I joked, starting to hyperventilate as I freaked out

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to climb back up." I grunted and strained as I managed to pull my lower body up onto the ship.

"Haha! Take that you alien space doo-Woah!" I started floating again, but this time towards the space monitors.

Those monitors surrounded the room, it was all white with a huge chair in the middle, two railings, a huge window and what looked like an extra room.

"Can you at least show yourself so I know I'm not talking to myself?" I asked with my arms crossed after I hit the floor AGAIN.

I heard another grumble and I swear, unless it's polite to grumble at and drop your guests wherever this creature is from then they are an awful host.

I looked back after dusting off my butt and saw a purple five foot alien with short antennas on its head. They had big eyes and a cute, but tight, little spacesuit on.

"Awww, you're actually kind of cute"

"Srupivg huandons"

"Hey, didn't you say that earlier?"

"What's it mean?"

"Telll meeeeee" I groaned, going to sit in that big white chair that floated in the center of the room.

"It means, stupid humanoids"

"Oh shit you can speak English?" I asked, sitting in the chair.

When I sat down a bunch of purple lights flashed and futuristic looking monitors came out of the ceiling along with matching keyboards out of the floor.

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