Family - Fluff

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Description: Choni starts a family

3rd POV:

Toni and Cheryl have been married for almost two years, they had the best wedding ever. They invited their family and friends, ate lots of cake, took photos, but most importantly had the most fire wedding ever, none of the boring shit. They had a dance floor, bumping speakers, drinking games and somehow most of the people ended up jumping in water. But on a serious note they decided to keep some parts of the wedding traditional, because it was still a wedding, no matter how much they treated it like a huge party.

After they married, they started talking about having kids, how many, if they wanted to adopt, find a donor or do the IVF method. They decided having 3 kids, both of them would carry one and then they'd adopt.

Right now they are on their way to Cheryl's doctor to find out if she is pregnant or not. Toni is patiently waiting outside in the car. When Cheryl comes out, Toni opens the car door for her, like always and Cheryl, who is really stressed gets in. She's hoping she'll be able to carry one of their children without any complications. She's anxious/nervously playing with her hands. Toni is also anxious/nervous but she's doing a better job of acting like she's fine. She looks over to her wife and sees her biting her nails.

"Um excuse me? I did not pay all that money for you to break those nails right now"

"Sorry Toni, I'm just nervous."

"I know babe, everything will be fine though. Even if you're not pregnant, there are other ways. And I'll still love you the same."

She says placing a gentle hand on her wife's thigh

"Thank you, my love."

Toni pulls Cheryl just a little closer while they drive to the doctor's office. When they get there Toni quickly undoes her seatbelt and hops out of the car, making her way to Cheryl's door. Cheryl gets out slowly.

"Remember what I said babe, I love you."

"I love you"

They walk into the office, hand in hand. They check in and wait for their doctor.

Dr. Erica Evans-Smith walks out and calls for a Mrs. Cheryl Topaz. Both women stand up and follow her to a room.

"So how have you two been?"

"I've been wonderful actually"
Toni says excitedly, her photography business has been taking off and she'll 100 percent be able to care for her wife and children.

"I've been great, anxious but great"
After Cheryl started going to therapy, she's been way better than how she was in highschool. She will be mentally stable and fully able of having this child. Not to mention her job, her and Toni share a business. Toni takes the photos and Cheryl paints them. 2 different groups of people come around and they make bank.

"I'm glad to hear that" The doctor smiles.

"Now, we're going to do a blood test to detect the hCG hormone or "pregnancy hormone". So please come over here, Mrs. Topaz. They both stand up, not knowing if she meant "Come over here so you're not in the way" or "Come over here to get the test"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Cheryl, for the blood test."


She says nervously.

"Baby, don't worry. Everything will be fine"

After the blood test, they get immediate results.

"So ladies, the hCG hormone has been detected and you are pregnant!"

"Oh my god... OH MY GOD CHER"

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