Happy Halloween Lmao - Angst?

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⚠️TW: Mentions of abuse⚠️

Toni winced as Cheryl dabbed her wounds with isopropyl alcohol. After tonight's events, Toni needed the extra help as she was in terrible pain and couldn't take care of herself properly.

"Sorry" Cheryl muttered as she fixed her glasses and held Toni's face gently in her hand.

The tension was strong between the two. Cheryl didn't want Toni going out and fighting against the Ghoulies but Toni was adamant about going. She claimed that the Serpents were a family, and it wouldn't be fair if she didn't fight their battles alongside them.

"Stop moving so much." Cheryl whispered as she poured a little more alcohol on a cotton ball.

"It hurts, Cheryl." Toni said through gritted teeth.

"Well if you would've taken my advice, you wouldn't be in this situation."

"Coming from someone who isn't even a real Serpent." Toni said under her breath, pairing her attitude with an eye roll.

"Excuse me?" Cheryl dropped her hand and looked into Toni's eyes, shocked that her girlfriend would say something like that to her.

"Oh don't act surprised. You know good and well you don't sacrifice as much as we do. You wear that jacket because it's red, not because you're one of us."

Cheryl bit her tongue and shook her head, dropping the cotton swab and clasping her hands together.

"I might not physically put myself on the line, but even going into that bar as a Blossom gets me close to being jumped."

"Not to mention how much money ive donated-"

"I thought you weren't going to bring that up."

Cheryl sighed in frustration and grabbed the cotton ball with tight fingers, she poured alcohol on the swab and let it drip down and dry out her fingers. She dabbed the cotton onto Toni's forehead, where one of her larger untouched gashes were.

"Fuck!" Toni hissed and groaned as she grabbed Cheryl's wrist. The redhead winced as Toni's nails dug into her skin.

"Toni, you're hurting me." She whispered as she watched the fury in her girlfriend's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Cheryl whispered as Toni moved her hurt body to the edge of the bed, still holding onto Cheryl's wrist tightly.

"Please don't hurt me."


"I'm sorry" Cheryl flinched as Toni stood over her.

Cheryls mind was in a fit of confusion, everything had escalated so quickly. Her and Toni were laying in bed, her tending to Toni's wounds when all of the sudden everything became very tense. Toni was hurting her and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Cheryl. Get up."

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again, please don't hurt me." The redhead sobbed as she pulled her knees up to her chest and rocked herself against the bed.

Before she knew it, she was panicking. She couldn't get ahold of her breath as she hyperventilated and coughed along with her sobs. She thought of all the late nights her mother would harm her in the same way. Replacing the image of Toni with the redheaded abuser.

"Cheryl, Cheryl. Cher, it's Jason. Calm down. I'm here, it's me." Jason's voice seemed to have a releasing affect on Cheryl as she released the tension in her body and allowed him to gently take her arm and put her hand on his heart.

Though he was panicking at the sight of his twin sister having an anxiety/panic attack in the floor of her bedroom, was there to help. So he ignored the intense beating of his heart and tended to Cheryl.

"Breathe with me."

Jason breathed in slowly along with Cheryl. The pale girl opened her irritated eyes slightly and peeked up at Jason.

He gave a small, reassuring grin before rubbing Cheryl's back and continuing to help her breathe.

Soon, Cheryl was out of her tense ball and was relaxing in Jason's arms.

"What happened, sissy?"

"She, she... she was hurting m-me." She stuttered.

Jason's head immediately turned to Toni, who put her hands up defensively.

"No, Jason. I wasn't- I didn't do anything to her."

"Antoinette." He growled as he sat Cheryl up and moved closer to Toni.

"Jason, I swear to you I'd never hurt her. I never did hurt her. She was helping me clean my cuts and I grabbed her wrist as a reaction and-"

"You caused this!" He yelled as he backed Toni into a corner.

"No" she shuddered as she put her hands up defensively. Jason looked like he was ready to pounce.

Toni flinched when Jason's body fell in top of her. His dead weight made her legs shake and she had no choice but to drop him onto the ground. When she looked back, she saw Cheryl. With the knife she pulled out of Toni's leg in hand, except now there was another coat of blood. And now her brother was dead. Again.

Cheryl's mouth watered at the sight of the blood, she ran her finger over the blade and licked the salty liquid. Now her finger was bleeding. She held her finger out for her girlfriend.

Toni was crying, in shock as her girlfriend's finger was pressed between her lips. But it didn't stop there. Cheryl's finger was bleeding profusely now and the blood was shooting down Toni's throat. Cheryl's pale finger forced its way farther and farther down Toni's throat. Toni coughed and a pool of blood shot out of her mouth and onto her girlfriend. She looked just as she did in Carrie White.

Toni squeezed her eyes shut, hoping this would all end.

"Please, please, please, please!" She cried as she held onto her throbbing head.

She wished for everything to end. Though she didn't expect it to work, when she opened her eyes Cheryl was gone. And so was Jason. So was the bedroom she knew from moments before.

She was now in the dark, cold woods, shivering.

"Help! Somebody help me!" Toni screamed in agony, her wounds still hurt and it hurt like hell to stand.

"Toni!" She fell on the ground as her legs gave out. She dragged herself through the cold mud. She knew what happened in scary movies and would be dammed if she went out without a fight. She dragged herself across the ground, whoever was calling her name was not stopping and she didn't have time for that.

Before she could help herself up to cross the creek, she felt hands shaking her.


"Toni!" Cheryl said as she covered her girlfriends mouth with her hand.

"Babe, you're okay." Toni was back in Cheryl's bedroom, her leg no longer bleeding and her head no longer hurting.

"What the fuck." Toni looked up at Cheryl, she was no longer covered in red blood. She looked over to the corner where Jason was, he was gone and so was the first aid kit.

"You were having a nightmare, my love."

"Oh my God, Cheryl." Toni pulled her girlfriend into her and hugged her tightly.

"God, that was terrifying." Toni was still shivering, she felt like she had actually been out in the cold. She shrugged it off and let her girlfriend warm her up.

"You're safe now, babe." Cheryl rubbed Toni's back, like a normal girlfriend would. But the small grin gave away her secret, her sharp fangs hung out of her mouth before retracting. Maybe it wasn't a nightmare after all.

Halloween special! Lmao, did it feel like a fever dream? ✋🏽😭

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