Little Toni - Fluff

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MDLG: Mommy Dom/Little Girl
If you haven't heard of this, as best I can explain it is basically Toni is a little (although she is 20 years old she sometimes goes into a mindset, it's not acting, she has a mindset that she goes to (little space I think is the term) where she is younger than her 'true' age. Cheryl is a mommy dom, not a real mother. But she is a mommy dom, someone who "dominates their parter through affection and punishment" according to the web.

I apologize if this is in any way inaccurate.

Toni POV:

Me and Cheryl have gotten really close over the past few months. And I've been thinking and I want her to be my mommy! Today I'm going to ask her if she wants me as a little, I hope she'll say yes.

First I want to set us up a mini date. We like to keep it low key so first I made my bed up, it had pink polka dots on it with pink and white pillows. I made the bed look really nice so we can have our date in here. After a lot more preparing and boring cleaning stuff I got our favorite movie ready to be played and texted Cheryl


Hey can you come to my house?

Hey! Of course I can, when?

Right now please

Ok, be there soon 😘

Okay perfect, now she's on her way. My best friend Veronica made us some food earlier so I just have to warm it up, which I did. I put it in the microwave for a few minutes. The pasta was steaming hot so I carefully put some on the plates and put them on the dining table.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I walked to the door, looking out of the peep hole before opening it.


"Hey TT"
She gave me a big hug after calling me by my favorite nickname. TT. It means Toni Topaz. Simple but cute, and specially made just for me.

"What's that smell, did you cook?"
She asked looking impressed

"Well no, Veronica made the food. I just warmed it up. Let's go eat."

I led her to the dining table and we sat down, I watched at she moved her red hair behind her back and started eating.

"You should tell Veronica that this is really good"

"I'll make a mental note"

I kept eating but I noticed Cheryl laughing a little

"Hey! Are you laughing at me?" I pouted

"No baby, you just have some Alfredo sauce on your face."

She stood up and grabbed a napkin, gently wiping the sauce from around my mouth.

"There, all better"

"Thank you"
I smiled and continued to eat. When we finished we walked upstairs. When we made it to my room I had to tell her something

"I really hope you like it Cher. I tried really hard to make it special for us"

"I'm sure I will, no matter what's behind the door the time we spend together will always be special."

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