Bestfriends to Lovers - Fluff

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"She used me, Cher. She just wanted to find out whether or not she was bi. Turns out she wasn't so she dumped me. And damn I really like her" Toni ranted as she laid on Cheryl's lap.

"I'm sorry T" the redhead said as she played with pink strands of hair.

Cheryl hated hearing about how her best friend was treated by "bi girls" there were bi girls 🥰 and bi girls🤪.A huge difference between the two. Bi girls who know they're bi, are attracted to men and women and bi girls who use that as a cover to play around with girls who are into them.

There are also bi-curious girls who, no offense, everyone should stay away from. It's cool to not know your sexuality but if you're like the girl Toni was with do NOT use them. There are other ways to see if you're really bi that don't involve hurting others. So please, don't be that person.

AN: I suggest you take the "am I gay" quiz. Worked for me 😌

Cheryl bit her tongue to keep from telling Toni how much better she could treat her.

"I don't know man. I feel stupid, so fucking stupid."

"You're not stupid, T. She's just a bitch"

"I get the whole exploring your sexuality thing because I did it too. But seriously she didn't have to be so brutal about it."


"Like at this point I'm ready to try men again."

"Mmm" Cheryl said as she let go of Toni's hair and accidentally plopped her hands on her forehead

"Ow, okay I see we don't like the idea" Toni winced as she rubbed her sore forehead

"I didn't mean to do that TT. I just think you have a natural preference for women and that you shouldn't try to... I don't know suppress that part of you because of one girl."

"I don't want to but where can I find a girl who a) knows their sexuality and b) is out"

"Me, you dipshit" Cheryl mumbled under her breath.


"Nothing, it's stupid"

"No, seriously. Any idea is good, come on help your local helpless gay"

"I was just- I could treat you way better than any of the girls you've been with."

"Yeah right, Cheryl. I'm being serious, I'm in desperate need of help." Toni said as she looked up at Cheryl

"TT, I am being serious" Cheryl said with her heart pounding in her chest.

She hasn't imagined confessing to her best friend she had a crush on her in her bedroom. Let alone in this city. She dreamed of taking Toni to a place special to them both, there she'd tell her. Not in her dusty old bedroom.

"Cher, I don't understand"

"What's not to understand? You're the most caring, smart, passionate, beautiful girl I've ever met. It's an honor to be your best friend but I have a huge crush on you." The redhead admitted, her throat dry and her mouth seemingly having a mind of its own.

"I like you too, Cher. Since the 6th grade actually..." Toni said as she sat up in Cheryl's lap, looking into her eyes where she always felt the most safe.

"Then what does this mean for us? What are we to each other? Crushes?" Cheryl wanted to know, needed to know. Did she just ruin her friendship or create a new relationship? A higher level of intimacy or will her best friend become her most known stranger.

"If I wanted to be someone's crush I would have stayed with Alexis. You said you could treat me better so come on. Show me how well you can treat me." She responded, forcing her eyes away from Cheryl's glossy lips and back to her brown eyes, getting lost in them once again.

Obviously, the rational thing to do would be to ask "Will you be my girlfriend" But Cheryl's mouth still had a mind of its own and her soft lips ended up on those of her crush's. Such a precious, innocent high school kiss. They both had butterflies in their stomachs at the contact. Toni's hands on Cheryl's shoulders, Cheryl's on Toni's back. The only thing that mattered was each other, their other senses faded out. The lights, the noises around them were all irrelevant, they had each other and that's all that mattered.

Before they knew it, Cheryl was on her back with Toni straddling her waist, kissing her passionately. They were so comfortable with each other they'd been in this position many times before. But now it was different. Now they knew it wasn't one sided, they knew the feelings were mutual.

"Wow" was the only thing a now shy Cheryl could say.

Toni blushed and tried moving off of her crush's lap, only to be stopped by a soft tug on her arm.

"Antoinette, will you be my girlfriend?" Cheryl asked, her senses still heightened and her fingers buzzing just from touching the tan girl.

"Of course, Cher" Toni smiled, leaning back into her with a happy smile.

"You know it's serious when you use my real name"

"Because I'm serious about you. And I was serious when I said I could treat you better than any of those other girls. When I look at you I see someone I care so deeply about the thought of not being with you hurts. When you look at me I feel alive, like I don't know what living is outside of your gaze. When you touch me I feel a sense of home. When we kiss it's magical and I never want to stop."

"Then let's not, let's keep kissing" Toni said as she sat up on Cheryl's lap again.

"I mean, when you out all those fancy words together like that you make me want you even more. So what do you say, babe?"

"I think you should keep calling me that. Whenever we're not kissing of course"

"Right" Toni smiled as she leaned into Cheryl's lips. Kissing her softly, tender and sweet. Tan arms made their way around Cheryl's neck while pale hands caressed Toni's thighs.

They didn't need anything but each other's soft touches, innocent kisses and those damn brown eyes of Cheryl's, the eyes Toni couldn't go without. Along with the home-like feeling Cheryl used to get from hugging her best friend. Now she gets the same feeling from kissing her.

Her best friend was officially her girlfriend. The girlfriend she could go on long walks with, hold hands with and kiss anywhere and at any time.

Not unless they wanna get hate crimed because the world is a terrible place.

Also Warning, do nothing try this on your best friend. It will not work. 😐⚠️⚠️

And before you come at me over not writing suggestions, sometimes it's better to have a fresh idea and just start writing. Idk why but it's true

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