Insecure -Angst/Fluff

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Cheryl is insecure with her body, she tries to take that step with Toni but can't.
-Angst ish

3rd POV

Cheryl and Toni have been together for almost 8 months. They've never had sex, but recently Cheryl brought it up.


"Yes my love?"

"Does it bother you that we haven't had sex yet?"

"No I think whenever you're ready and the time comes is when it'll happen."

She responded looking up from her laptop.

"Are you sure because it's been nearly eight months"

"Yes I'm sure, I'll wait until you're ready."

"Well... I think I am, so maybe next time we have a make out session and we're both in the mood, we can... go a step further?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you or anything considering your past and all."

"Yeah I'm sure, I want to be with you in that way. I know you'd never hurt me like the others."

She said with a sad expression as she played with her fingers

Toni got up from her desk and walked up to her, holding her cheeks and giving her a sweet kiss.

"I love you Cher"

"I love you too TT"

It was a Saturday night, the girls were at Cheryl's house. Her mom went to some type of business meeting with Hiram Lodge. Cheryl didn't ask any questions, she didn't care she was just happy her mother was away. She invited Toni over.

The girls had spent the night watching old Disney shows and movies before switching to Netflix to watch their show. Cheryl got back under the covers with her girlfriend after changing the thermostat, she cuddled back into her, rubbing against her making her groan.

Toni threw her arm over Cheryl's waist. Cheryl turned back and pecked Toni's lips. Toni deepened the kiss, turning Cheryl's body to face hers. Cheryl threw the blanket off of them. Holding onto Toni's face. Toni's hands went lower and lower, gripping her ass.

"Is this alright?"

"Yes.. please.."
She whispered going back to kissing Toni.

The brunette turned her girlfriend on her back, straddling her lap without breaking the kiss. She tangled her hands into Cheryl's hair, who was kissing back eagerly. Toni pulled away looking into her eyes before taking the redheads shirt off. Cheryl, who thought she would be fine felt her breathing start to quicken.

She doesn't know why, it's not like Toni would use her for sex and toss her to the side like the others she's been with. Whoever she'd be with in the past would either have sex with her or lie about doing the deed just to be able to say that they slept with the HBIC. It hurt Cheryl to know she was seen as an item, bragging rights to those who 'wanted to be with her'. Because she is hot. After all she's been through she doesn't feel 'hot' she feels used. It was different with Toni though she knows she actually loves her, she'd never use her for sex. It's been 8 months of nothing but love. But maybe she wasn't ready for this?

Toni kissed on Cheryl's neck and collarbone area, not noticing the girls's discomfort. Until she sat up to take her own shirt off.

"Are you ok Cher?"
She asked, letting go of her shirt.

"No! Just stop I don't want to do this anymore"
She shouts, getting off the bed and standing in the corner.

"Ok, that's fine."
Toni replies calmly. She walks up to her, handing her back her shirt.

"No, just stay back!"

Toni puts her arms up
"Do you want to put the shirt back on?"

"No just leave..."

"Cheryl I'm sorry I- you said you were ready I thought-"

"No, I can't do this. I- I'm. You deserve someone prettier and who isn't as fucked up as I am."

"Don't say that Cher, you're perfect."

"You're just saying that because you want to get in my pants!"

"No baby I'm not. I just want you to feel comfortable. You're beautiful, everything about you is beautiful."

"Yeah right Toni."

"I'm serious Cheryl, when I look at you all I see is beauty. You're perfect, your personality-"

"Can you just leave, please I- I don't want to do this right now."

"Baby that's not how a relationship works, not ours anyway. We need to talk about it you can't just push me away."


Cheryl grabbed Toni's boots and Jacket. Shoving them into her chest and forcing her towards the door.

"Cher wait! Please, let's talk about it."

"Why? How do I know you're not just going to have sex with me and run away!"

"Because I love you Cheryl."

"Heard that one before... from everyone else!"
She scoffed

"But baby I'm not everyone else, I have genuine feelings for you. When I'm around you I'm so happy. I just I don't know how to explain it Cheryl I love you so much. I understand you don't want to have sex. That's fine I'll keep waiting for you, because I love you. I'd never force you into anything and I'm so sorry I didn't notice that you were uncomfortable."

"Toni I- I just. Please don't hurt me like the rest.. I love you I-I can't take it, please..."

She was sobbing, breaking down in front of her. Toni stepped closer to her, dropping her stuff and pulling her into her embrace. She could feel the girl's shaky breaths against her neck and her chest rising and falling without a steady rhythm. It hurt Toni to see Cheryl in such distress. All she wants to do is love her, it sucks that she thinks about herself how she does and doubts Toni's love for her. But she'll do anything she can to make her realize how much she truly loves her.

"I would never hurt you baby, I swear. I love you so much Cheryl I wish I could show you."

She was just sobbing and whimpering into her chest, Toni picked her up and laid her back down on her bed, sitting on the edge.

"Do you need anything?"

"Just hold me? Please?"

"Of course."

The two girls were cuddling in bed, Toni being the big spoon holding Cheryl.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, you couldn't have known"

Toni had a few tears running down her face, she felt so guilty for triggering the girl.

"W- Will you tell me n-next time please. I don't want to trigger you or make you f-feel uncomfortable again."

"Yes I will, I'm sorry Tones."

"Stop apologizing, none of this is your fault. You're allowed to feel however you want okay?"

She nodded

"Repeat what I said"

"It's ok to feel how I'm feeling."

Toni kissed her forehead.

"I'm in love with you Cher, don't you ever forget it."

"I love you so much Tones"
She spoke, reaching up to kiss Toni, who kissed back and wiped both of their tears.

Cheryl has a while to go before being able to take a step like that. But Toni will be there, every step of the way.


Anddd we made it to another Friday I know I barely did 😭

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