Loyalty Test Part 2 - Angst

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Second part to Loyalty Test. Cheryl's turn, she uses Jughead to test Toni.

Cheryl POV

It's been almost a month since Toni and Ronnie got me with that dumb prank and I decided to get her back.

Jughead and I have a plan. Basically, he's going to ask her to hook up and we'll see what she says. I know she's going to say no but it's still funny.

I'm at Jughead's apartment where he has live security cameras set up, so I'll be watching what happens between them from his room.

He invited her over to play video games and then he's gonna make his move.

20 minutes later

I just heard Toni get here, I logged into the camera system and got comfy.

They walked to the fridge for a beer.

They turned on the PlayStation.

They're playing the game.

Jug loses and stands up, frustrated at the game.

When he sits back down he moves his hand to her thigh

I turned the volume up, the shows starting.

"Jug what are you doing?"

"Toni... you are so. Damn. fine"

"Yeah I know"
She says flicking his hand off of her.

She goes back to playing the game,

"You're losing Jug"

He was just giving her heart eyes, not paying attention to anything else.

"Uh hello? Are you alright? It's not like you to quit at Mortal Kombat."

"I'm sorry it's just.. ever since Betty dumped me for Ronnie. My pride's been low but getting a girl like you would help me."

"No sir"

He put his hand back on her thigh, taking the controller out of her hands.

"Tones.. you know I would never ask you for anything like this..."

"Then don't ask."

"I need you to do me a favor."


"I need you to touch me"

"Ok... I don't understand.. you want a three way with me me and Cheryl?"

"No I want you"

"Because if so. That ain't gon work. Cheryl's a lesbian, meaning she don't like the D and quite frankly, from what I can remember anyways...you're not exactly packing so.. I'm gonna have to DECLINE YOUR MOTHERFUCKING OFFER, thank you though."

Jughead POV

ok she really didn't even have to say all that.

"Toni, it's a prank. Cheryl's here."
I whispered. I planned to make Cheryl's heart skip a beat from the beginning


"Just act normal for now, then we're gonna act like we're making out so when she comes out here she'll go off or whatever."

"I like your thinking, except the making out part."

"We won't actually do it, but from the angle it'll look like we are on camera."

She picked the controller back up and we went back to playing. Cheryl doesn't know shit about Mortal Kombat so this next part will make sense to her.

"Act like we just won, got excited and kissed"
I whispered

She nodded. I paused the game signaling for us to both jump up and follow the plan.

"Hell yeah!"

"Good move Jug!"

We looked at each for a minute before crashing out bodies together not out lips our bodies. Our mouths didn't touch.

Cheryl POV
They just won their game and- hold the fuck up

I walked out of the room, swinging the door open.

"The fuck is this Toni?"

"Cheryl, I- we weren't going anything"

"Bullshit Toni I saw you! You got caught in 4K"

"I'm sorry we just got caught in the moment it didn't *laughs* mean anything to me, I swear *laughs*"

"What is so damn funny?"

"We pranked you"

"Rightttt. Yeah sure, you didn't prank me you just got caught."

"No Cher, I told her and we flipped it on you"

"I fucking hate you both."

"Toni's the homie, you shoulda known better"

"Uh huh, yeah"
I walked to the door, grabbing my keys off the ring.

"Babe wait"

"You know it was funny"

"No you're just a dick"

"You're literally laughing right now"
She said pointing to my face

"Shut up"

I think I just started a one shot-prank wars series 😬

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