My Crush - fluff

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Cheryl has to call her crush (Toni) in front of all of her friends but something doesn't go quite according to plan when Toni is dealing with more than Cheryl knew of.

"So whoever the bottle lands on has to call their crush." Veronica said as she placed an empty bottle of beer in the middle of the floor.

Cheryl, Kevin, Josie and Betty were at the Pembrooke, taking part in Veronica's party.

"Which one of us is gonna leave today heart broken." Josie said as she bravely spun the bottle.

Cheryl watched as the brown bottle spun on the hardwood. She had a bad feeling in her stomach as if the bottle would land on her at any given moment. She was anxious. She knew about her massive crush on Toni, the serpent girl from the Southside, but didn't necessarily want other people to know. Her eyes focused so hard they went blurry, by the time she blinked her vision back into focus the bottle had landed on her. She had to call her crush.

"Yeah, my moms calling I think I gotta go" Cheryl lied as she stood up

"Aht aht aht, sit your ass down and call her."

"Her? How did you know-"

"All of your celebrity crushes are women, you stare at all the girls in our class, you blush in the locker room-"

"Thanks Elizabeth."

"Don't worry Cher. When you had that surgery and you were on drugs you told us... 'I think girls are really really fucking hot' and then you gasped and were like 'guys I'm a gay' then laughed and said 'I'm lesbean' so you outed yourself. We were just planning on not bringing it up until you were ready." Kevin said as he nudged Betty.

"It's pretty obvious I'm not straight anyways but how about I pay you guys to forget this ever even happened."

"Call her!" They all yelled in unison


Cheryl picked up her phone, hiding the screen from her nosey friends as she went to her contacts. Smiling at the flirty text Toni had already sent.

"Make sure you put the phone on speaker"

Cheryl flipped Veronica off as she hid the contact name and put the phone on speaker, praying Toni would be too busy to answer.

"Hey Cherry" Was heard from the other end of the line.

"Hi there uh... friend of mine" Cheryl said so that her friends wouldn't know who she was talking to.

"Friend? Oh... cool. Actually, not cool, Cheryl. I- I thought you were different, you know? Out of all people I didn't expect you to play me like this. Like all the others."

"No, Toni-" Dial tone.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" Cheryl repeated as she stood up and tried calling Toni back. This time off speaker phone because fuck what her friends had to say.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up" No answer.

"Come on, really?" Cheryl started to freak out.

Her and Toni had been doing so good with their little flirty talking stage relationship thing. Now she ruined it.

"Damn it!"

Her group of friends sat around the carpet, not knowing what to do or say.

"Well don't just sit there looking stupid, say something!"

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