Polyamorous (2) Smut

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Part two of the poly relationship between Toni, Cheryl and Ronnie. This one is smut, the next part is going to only be fluff.

This one is hella kinky
-edging/orgasm denial
-degrading/ humiliation
-small blood kink
The word 'slut' is used a lot so...

And then fluffy fluff.

Cheryl POV
"Hey baby"

"Hey Ronnie, you gonna watch the Vampire Diaries with me?"

"Maybe in a few hours, but I was thinking about last night and how I said you should punish Toni..."


"I mean I was joking at the time but is that something you'd be comfortable doing?"

"I mean.. yeah, but only if Toni is comfortable too."

"Okay, let's go ask."

We walked upstairs where Toni was playing video games in our bedroom.

"Hey babies, what's up?"

"Hi TT. So Ronnie had this idea that you- well that I'd uhh punish you for making yourself cum last night."

"Is that something that interests you like would you feel comfortable?"

"I mean it sounds like a huge turn on. And I guess it's fair, if I were to punish either of you for anything it makes sense for you to do the same to me."

"Okay. Any lines we shouldn't cross?"

"Just don't spit on me or fart on me or piss on me.. I hear some people actually do that. And I just- no. No bodily fluids on me, unless it's cum. So those two and if I say red please respect it. I'm gonna try my best to take it but if I say red I really can't anymore."

"Okay. That's perfect TT, are you positive you want to do this?"

"Yes, and right now if that's an option"

"Actually, I think we should do it when you aren't expecting it."

"Okay, whenever you guys are ready."

A few hours later

So I think Ronnie and I are about to head upstairs and start Toni's punishment. Now I am nervous as fuck. I'm a bottom like I don't know how to do this, Ronnie says she'll help me but it'll be hotter if I do it myself. I think? Anyways we're about to start.

We walked up the stairs, hearing Toni yelling at the game.

"How did you not fucking see him you dumbass! I told you he was in the tower!"

"Shhh stop yelling"

"Sorry it's just Fangs got snipped and I have to go get-"

"I didn't ask I just said to stop."

"Oh kay."

Ronnie unplugged the mic and whispered in her ear.

"You know you've been a bad girl, right Toni?"

"Yes Ronnie"
She said after clearing her throat

She took the controller out of her hand and turned the Xbox off.

"Do you think you deserve a punishment?"
She continued to whisper seductively in her ear.

She gulped
"Who's giving you your punishment?"


"That's right, let's go"

In the playroom
3rd POV

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