My babygirl (Md/lg)

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We have yet another cg/l one shot. If you have a problem with it, I'm going to go ahead and say don't read this. If you're gonna have a snarky ass comment. Go ahead and log out for me.

Caregiver/little relationship is where one person goes into a mindset in which they age regress. Toni acts similar to a four year old while Cheryl takes care of her, adopting the roll as her mommy.

Once again, if you're gonna be all negative... log out for me.

So, in this one shot there's a tiny bit of angst but mostly just cuteness.

Cheryl's POV

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!!" I heard Toni yell from our bedroom.

"Baby, there you are." I sighed, finally relaxing now that I knew where she was.

"Come here you little stinker, I need you to put on your PJ's for mommy" I held up her two piece matching pajamas while she stood on our bed.

"No! I wanna sleep like dis!"

"Babygirl, you know you have to sleep in your pajamas"

"No mama, I wanna sleep nakey tonight." She pouted, dropping onto the bed with her arms crossed.

"It gets too hot and I be sweaty when I wake up"

"That's why I got you shorts, baby girl"

"Please mommy, please? I jus don't wanna be hot tonight. And I'm comfy like dis. You say dat I should be comfy in my own skin and I'm comfy mama, please?" She asked with puppy dog eyes and an adorable pouty lip.

I sighed happily knowing Toni was deep in headspace and laughed knowing she's spoiled enough to get her way.

"Okay, baby. Just for tonight though"

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" She hopped off the bed and ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You sleepy yet?"

"Mmm, a little bit" she whispered, relaxing in my arms while I gently scratched her scalp.

"You wanna watch a movie with mama while we fall asleep?"

"Yes, please" she yawned.

I chuckled knowing she was more tired than she let on, today was a little rough for her since she was slipping while doing her homework but had to force herself to be big to get it done.

"Alright, TT" I picked her up carefully and gently laid her onto the bed. I turned to Disney+ and turned to Princess And The Frog. Her favorite movie while in headspace.

"This is your favorite part, huh baby?" I said, gently tapping Toni.

"Baby?" I repeated when she didn't answer, I peeked over her shoulder to see that she'd fallen asleep.

Choni One Shots | smutty, fluffy, angstyWhere stories live. Discover now