Caught Sneaking out - prank

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Description: Cheryl pretends to sneak out in the middle of the night just to mess with Toni.

Cheryl POV:
Toni be doing too much talking bout some 'I'm pregnant and SweetPea is the father' go sit down somewhere. Anyways imma get her ass back tonight. It's almost 3 AM and I'm going to act like I'm sneaking out to see what she says or does.

I put on one of my tightly fitted red dresses that showed off my curves perfectly, sprayed my perfume,  put my hair in a half up half down style, I put on some of my signature red lipstick and a little eye liner. When I finished I snuck out of the bathroom quietly. I opened our bedroom door and slammed it behind me, hopefully that'll wake her up. I walked down the stairs, stopping at the front door to get my black heels.


"Toni! You scared me" I shrieked, clenching my chest.

"What are you doing babe?" She asked with a raspy voice, wearing her black basketball shorts and sports bra.

"I was... I was gonna go for a walk" I lied

"Dressed like that?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"I think you're seeing things. I'm wearing a normal walking attire"

"No..." she went and turned the closest light on, her bare feet slapping against the wooden floors "You're wearing a clubbing outfit"

"Okay well uh go back to bed, I'm going for my walk." I turned back to the door.

"Cheryl" she sighed, turning me back to look at her "do you think I'm dumb or something?"

"No why would you say that? I think you're a very smart, college-educated woman."

"Right so why are you lying to me?" She asked, rubbing her eyes

"I'm not lying, I need to practice walking in heels, babe."

"For what?"

"For... for my birthday"

"Okay well you can do that any other time when it's not..." she checked the time on the stove "... four in the morning"

"It's three in the morning"

"That clock is always wrong but whatever time it is, it's not safe for you to go for a walk in the dark. We're women we can't do that, remember"

"Okay Toni, I'll be quick don't worry" I quickly opened the door and walked down the brick steps on the porch.

"Cheryl! Get back in here it's freezing." Toni peeked her head out and waved me back in.

"I'm going for my walk!" I yelled back, walking on the sidewalk.

I walked for maybe a minute, getting a little nervous as I did. I could heard some footsteps behind me, my heart started pounding as I sped up. But I fell because of the heels. I screamed when I felt someone's hand grab my arm.

"Help! Help someone-" I was cut off by a hand so rudely placed on my mouth

"Cheryl shhh before someone thinks I'm kidnapping you!" Toni whisper yelled, helping me stand back up.

"Why were you just following me like a creep?"

"Because I was trying to see who you were going to meet over here" she said. Looking around for someone.

"Nonsense Toni, I'm not meeting anyone." I brushed myself off and continued walking.

"Oh my God" she sighed and picked me up bridal style.

"Put me down I'm trying to get my steps in!"

"Cheryl hush! It's three in the morning people are going to think I'm kidnapping you." She stressed carrying me back home. When we got there she turned the heat up and sat on the couch, pulling off the blanket we keep on it and wrapping it around herself.

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